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id: 471614 - Text: She takes cokc and does crazy sexual things all day….. desensitized

id: 471617 - Text: Men like you are why America is falling. How naive and inexperienced with women are you? (And most of the people commenting) Women in America (and the West in general) have a free pass to do whatever they want without consequences, and there's always a plethora of CHUMPS to come to their rescue. When a man joins the military and gets blown up, he's left to live on the streets forgotten; but when a woman does porn and has the time of her life living the party life and fast life, when she finally rode the carousel enough to where she's all used up and miserable, all the dorks, all the chumps, all the blue color losers cannot wait to come to her rescue... The funny thing is all these "nice guys" who wanna save this 304 are so pathetic and so dumb that they don't even realize that she (or any of these 304s) would never, and will never, have sex with any of these dorks... ESPECIALLY when these girls are young and in their primes. Males in America are pathetic. I refuse to call them men. What weak, naive, cųçkołd, dorks.

id: 471624 - Text:  @nocapbussin  really? You don’t know me . Weak people like you don’t have empathy. Do you think victims or sexual assault just go through life happy. Not everyone was raised in s stable home . Get over yourself

id: 471633 - Text:  @hossp2365  You still don't understand. Because of feminism in the West, women have been encouraged to make bad decisions and then are rewarded for them. There are MILLIONS of men who have suffered as children and are suffering now and no one cares, but slap a vagina and tits on a body and be good looking and flocks of dumb and gullible men will fall over themselves even making total asses of themselves to come to that woman's support. Women in the west are held to zero standards and women are absolute champions at emotional manipulation. This goes into the realm of taboo psychology; because women are not as physically strong and capable of taking physical damage as men, they evolved to be more social. Women are far more adept at understanding social dynamics where men are not. This is where women have their superpower. They can't physically destroy men and so they emotionally destroy them. And so, when women are in the wrong, they will always default to victimhood tactics that specifically trigger men's protective instincts. This behavior is so ingrained in our human DNA that toddlers who are girls know by instinct how to manipulate. This where you have the classic case of a mom saying to a toddler "No" and she runs to Daddy and cries. If the Dad is a good dad, he will not cave-in to the toddlers cuteness and pleas for getting her way and as a result she will grow up to be a well balanced and well behaved woman. But if the father is weak and caves in, the girl will adapt and evolve over time to be even more manipulative. These aren't theories. This is well documented psychological fact. Men love sex, and we love women, however, if we don't have a grounded understanding of women (which comes with experience that is now being made illegal in most of the western world) women can use sexual triggers that kick our protective instincts into hyperdrive. If a beautiful women is playing victim that she was raped, there is a very good chance she actually wasn't raped, and instead what she is doing is she is sexually turning men on while simultaneously putting them in a protector/provider state of mind. And so this is how a woman you don't know, never met before, probably never will meet, can get you to want to protect and love her. If you arent aware of human psychology and its complexities (both male and female), you are really playing Russian Roulette in this world

id: 471636 - Text:  @pitmclord  The downside of giving women the benefit of the doubt is that they will inevitably abuse that benefit as they already do. Because we live in a "Believe all women" society, women leverage that now to where men are hogtied legally. If a woman accuses you of a sex crime, in the public eye, you are guilty no matter if proven innocent. We've seen this time and time again going back years. Do you remember the Duke LaCrosse players who were accused of rape and it made national headlines? This was like in 2009 (+/-). All those guys had their lives destroyed over a lie. Do you remember "Mattress Girl" a Columbia student who claimed she was sexually violated (using very delicate words to not get the YT censor bots deleting this) that made national headlines? The boy she accused of multiple highly punishable crimes ended up losing everything only in the end to have him be found innocent of all charges. The real story was he didn't want to have sex with her anymore and so she "got him back" by going to the police. Luckily for him he saved all his texts proving his innocence. Women who do porn and later on regret how porn impacted their lives have no other weapon/card to play than the victim card. This woman in the video is Chrissy Moran. In the early 2000s she was one of the big names in porn. She lived the fast life and enjoyed every minute of it until she reached that age where newer, hotter, and younger girls started entering the industry and then she went on the whole "I regret it all" kick. This woman wouldn't even look your direction if you saw her in real life. That is how narcissists and psychopaths operate. They have no inner depth. They are all about them living in a world of solipsism

id: 471651 - Text: Crissy seems like a really sweet woman. I won't deny I was aware of who she was prior to her conversation and public speaking. She looked absolutely miserable doing porn. I'm happy she was able to leave that lifestyle and find happiness. I just hope she didn't trade one abusive relationship for another one masked in religious toxicity. The Christian community can be especially brutal and judgemental towards women who have a background in sex work.

id: 471665 - Text:  @onyx7273  I'm sorry if my question got misconstrued, no means no, it's that simple and I have no sympathy for sexual predators, you have my sincerest apology.

id: 471701 - Text: For the most part I like all of your videos this girl is not believable she looks around she's flirted her body language says she's lying about everything she's saying and she's not truthful I'm watching her body language it's nothing like all the other people who you've talked to and I've watched their videos and this woman is nothing like that so I don't believe what she says I think it's all made up on her part and maybe she was a p*** actress and but all the thing that she's saying does not lead me to believe anything is truthful when you talk to your other people and I watch the videos I watch their body language and you yourself should compare your own videos and body languages of the other people who are you know drug addicts and you know sexual abuse cases whatever this woman does not stand up to that test sorry but that's just how I feel I may be wrong I don't think so

id: 471816 - Text:  @lolalolaa3804  That is flat out wrong. 1/3 men today at 30 haven't had sex in a year or are virgins. Can you say that about women? Definetely not. Stop spreading misinformation.

id: 471817 - Text:  @lolalolaa3804  about the top 20% of guys get regular sex and those are the one you could say get ran through. the rest 80% of men struggle hard and I mean HARD to get ANY attention from a woman what so ever.
