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id: 471820 - Text:  @lolalolaa3804  Most men are run through ? Sorry but no. Most men maybe have ran through someone but certainly not been ran through. The distinction is all important because the reality of sex is different for men and women, both physically and emotionally. This reality means women are more vulnerable therefore they are encouraged to be highly selective whereas men the opposite.

id: 471822 - Text:  @braveheart4603  no the meaning is most guys have a lot millions of r hundreds of sexual partners been ran through so what's the difference between a man had a lot of sexual partners and a woman it's a stupid ♉🐂 bullshit double standard it's sexist and wrong bullshit some people raped like this sweet soul they can't help how many partners they been run though they have low self esteem from being molested and raped and abused all the life had a difficult life it doesn't matter how many people we slept with all that matters is if the person has a pure good loving caring big heart and good kind soul and good intentions and a really good person.

id: 471823 - Text:  @lisamariealaniz7538  I'm not casting judgment on anybody I'm pointing out the bloody obvious differences between men and women. Women are at risk of getting pregnant therefore have to be more careful than men with regards to sexual partners.. It's a biological fact which to deny is doing women a great disservice.

id: 471826 - Text:  @braveheart4603  men can be promiscuous too. The belief things are different for men and women is a double standard that teaches women shame and teaches men achievement for their sexual conquests in order to control a woman's sexuality so that men can be the one and only to avoid comparison and shelter the fragile male ego of certain men. Not saying promiscuity is good for anyone but it is not permissible for a man either

id: 471840 - Text: After reading a lot of the comments, I think I'm in the minority, but...I heard a lot of red flags as she talked about her life now. Her husband sounds uptight and controlling. She keeps talking about being the kind of woman that attracts the man you want. And I get that she was basically saying she needed to raise her standards and require more of herself and others, but how about being the woman that you can feel good about and proud of just for you? I know that is easier said than done, and she has a lot of love and attachment issues, but something feels off to me. Also, just a personal opinion, it's disturbing to me when people start saying, "God told me... XYZ." Especially about very specific and odd details. If you talk to God, you're religious; if God talks to you, it's mental illness. I'm getting the "purity culture" vibe pretty strong. She can't send a sexy photo to her husband, or he gets mad? Why? Because it's a reminder of her "godless, unclean" past? Yeah, I'm not buying the feel-good story here. I'm glad she stopped doing things that felt wrong for her and that she was unhappy with. I'm glad she took the time to find out what she wanted to live an authentic life free from shame. There's just way more to this iceberg of a story.

id: 471851 - Text: ILLEGAL immigrants commit a sizable number of sex crimes every years. If they had been vetted at the border as the law was designed it could’ve been prevented. They also bring in the drugs that fuel these sad lives. We can focus on more then one thing but I agree mental trauma and mental health should be a much bigger focus.

id: 471908 - Text: So creepy when some sexual abused victim speak put, people still mention if they pretty, or handsome, like you didn't get the point, like it matters, or like if ugly would have deserve it or like pretty for what? 🥲 sick sad world

id: 472004 - Text: you are so strong and God has a plan for you girl you are going to do amazing things in this world. You are like Jesus walking among the sinners but letting your light shine. You are truly beautiful I hope you have great things in your future oh im hearing about your husband now . God has a plan! this is amazing! I am so happy that you found love youre husband was bespoke to you, I hope that Ifind that love too. Your story has touched me so much I was sexually abused at a young age then was in serious monogamous relationships only 2 and now im 36 and hoping i find my souls counterpoint so i dont die alone that is my worst fear

id: 472019 - Text: So many red 🚩🚩🚩 it's not funny. She keeps getting "raped", dates bisexuals & asexuals. Everything is gross & sick to her, but she does them anyways. She has the typical woman double standards. Plus she's wearing the Mk ultra leppard stripes with pentagrams. Run as fast as you can if you ever run into this crazy woman.

id: 472067 - Text: she needs the Holy Spirit so badly, without that, she will never be able to pair-bond with any man from here on out because of her having sex with so many people
