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id: 472071 - Text: Thank you so much for sharing your story Crissy. I related so much to it. I used to do sex work and get into so many abusive relationships, but I left all of that in the past and I've found faith in God, I know he's taking care of me and has a beautiful plan for my life. God bless you, big hug from Argentina.

id: 472073 - Text: I just found her on pornhub , sexy little heart tat lower abdomen , she's hot

id: 472085 - Text: Such a beautiful woman these sex workers go through so much in life and hold it inside. My heart goes out to this woman I hope she’s able to heal from all of this

id: 472086 - Text: If your a woman u can do anything .if your a white male in society your hated and left .I have not one person in my life .if I could sell my sex I could have a hope ..any woman can leave her house and find a man do do everything for them .not one white man has any advantage.we don't get the jobs .we don't get the attention we don't even get the phone calls .so I don't need to see sob stories from the so called abused woman .the woman have all the rights in this new world .the white poor man is the ones dyine alone ,poor and unable to go forward .we don't have a chance you do .

id: 472150 - Text: Most sex-workers has been molested in one way or another. And growing up without a father is also a reason. Living with parents doing drugs or/and alcohol is also a trigger. It's a tragedy that some children don't get all they need. It makes me both mad and sad.

id: 472183 - Text: Classy, sexy, gorgeous, insane, clamorous, lovely, sensuous, inadvertently subversive, dangerous, pretty damn pretty, So anyways yah = Addictive.

id: 472199 - Text: Why things that happen sexually wise when they happen we found them with excitement then later we do them just like her in porn sets , then we “found it was a trauma “? There’s a lot of contradictions in this society based on morals ! I’m not on one or the other side or support neither ideas but I just analyze!

id: 472234 - Text: 1:40 Who would have ever thought that her well intentioned but misguided father, threatening to kill someone (1) who sexually interferes with her, actually prevented her from telling her father of someone sexually interfering with her. But as Chrissy says I think this is why parents need to be tactful as it relates to such matters, and make themselves into a safe haven for their children to turn to in times of need, instead of some terrifying source of violence they are scared of. 3:00 Alcohol and other drugs decreases your inhibitions by increasing sensual greed, hatred, ignorance and simultaneously removing moral shame and fear of consequences. 4:30 Because sexual stimulation is the primary desire it leads to this sort of thing. Some people might think well it’s not so bad in moderation, but as with any addictive sensual pleasure you have to be careful not to turn to it in times of difficulty to numb your pain. Especially because it can deplete the Faith you have in the higher Principles that you should turn to. 32:15 It’s common for people who have suffered some form of abuse to become trapped within that abuse and then incline towards those who mirror their abusers instead of their opposite, especially if they have promised themselves never to do that. Part of the solution is to try to forgive the abuser as the first step in letting go of the pain. Not for the benefit of the abuser but more so for your own peace of mind. This might be difficult if you’ve suffered terrible pain, but spiritual guidance can help. 35:00 This is the sort of extreme hypocrisy that is common to severely corrupted beings. But I’m glad she found a way to break free of the corrupt bonds that kept her attached to this lifestyle 39:50, and is able to enjoy the many benefits resulting from that 47:00. It appears much of Chrissy’s tormented life was spent trying to find Love in the wrong places, particular from the wrong type of men, due to the troubled childhood she experienced. But after she began serving Love instead, things began to turn around for her 49:30. This led her to someone who is easier to trust for being spiritually guided, instead of superficially minded 51:30, and could guide her back onto the righteous pathway 53:00. Plus give her the sense of freedom that comes from being appreciated for her deeper qualities 54:00. 55:30 But perhaps Chrissy had to suffer her karmic destiny before she was ready for the Truth, and if someone righteous had come along before that she might have rejected them. So those who wish to help such people should not be dismayed by that, and instead just be there for them in some way. 1. In my opinion, this is why you shouldn’t view anything as being a threat which can trigger hyper-sensitive over-defensive aggression, but rather risks to be mitigated. That could have just involved a delicate conversation in this case about what behaviour is unacceptable, and what to do if it happens.

id: 472239 - Text: I’m so proud of you! I’m the same way as well so I know how it feels to search for love in material things especially sex. So for now I’m waiting

id: 472249 - Text: Her story will be the norm in the coming age of the sexualised child
