31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 549119 - Text: It would be interesting to learn more about what exact pressure gang members and pimps would put on her even if she moved away with her kids and cut her phone number. They still know where her family members live, there is still a weak link. And to give money to people like her without close monitoring is like giving money to a terrorist organization. Please be more aware of where your money is going and who exactly you are "helping." Enlightening videos, though. I have never really heard from a person like her.

id: 549153 - Text: Mark, Very dangerous game to play! Someone who has experienced such trauma, violence, and various drug habits needs professional help to even begin to have a chance. This woman has been raped for over ten years, beaten, robbed, abused in ways we can never even imagine! The right thing would have been to get her into treatment with a professional team of Doctors of Psychiatry! The emotional scars and deep rooted trauma this poor woman must have is heartbreaking! It really pisses me off that you would think you could just make a couple videos and are now qualified to do this! This isn't a little lost puppy or kitten! You should really know better and I hope you read this and hits home! Use your resources next time and hand someone like this off to real professionals that would have given her a fair chance not to go back to this life!

id: 549169 - Text: Her eyes are definitely different from the last video and this breaks my heart - I hope she can get back on the right path

id: 549198 - Text: You a good person and I enjoy all your videos but this one pisses me off so much .. so just wanted to say I hope you keep helping all the other people in need and sorry this situation turned out the way it did

id: 549201 - Text: This video went south whenever he started telling these people the bs that they're not responsible for their own actions, and how they can blame everyone else but themselves. This is the bs they've been spinning and that they believe because people have been telling them that. How can we ever expect people to do better in life if they don't believe that they're responsible for their own actions?

id: 549204 - Text: I think this video hurt a lot of people. We all wanted her to do better. I think Mark is only human and does what he can. This channel has opened my eyes and lets me see things that I would never. It gives people a voice and lets the world have a peek into someone else's life. Whether you don't agree with him giving her money or not, I don't think it's okay to hate on him for it. He can only do so much.

id: 549205 - Text: Bro, after the first video I could have told you she’s a user and a ho.

id: 549209 - Text: This happens often when people try to take in people off the street. I saw a similar video about a guy who exploited a very generous man and then bashed him online. The part about the texts sounded almost identical… that was sad.

id: 549214 - Text: She is terrified in this video

id: 549232 - Text: HOLD ON EVERYONE!! There's something really fishy about all this. Mark, you come across as a great guy, compassionate, nonjudgemental, generous, etc, but something's definitely up and I'm starting to wonder whether you're a bit of a psychopath. I apologize in advance if I'm being unfair, but explain this. So you picked up a girl from the streets with a history of gang membership and just casually handed her the equivalent to more than 3 times the minimum wage in your state, ON TOP of a house and a car... And then she started asking for about SIX TIMES that amount. You were giving her "thousands of dollars a day", in your own words, and you honestly didn't know what was going on?? It's weird as fuck to do that for anyone and there's absolutely no way you didn't know you were funding either a serious drug habit or a pimp or a gang or whatever else. There's no way you thought you were helping. Did you think her kids ate gold and diamonds or what?? It sounds like either she was doing you favors in return or that you were trying to make her feel like she should. I'm really sorry if I am being unfair, this is a horrible thing to accuse someone of doing, but that you just thought you were being nice by giving a gang member thousands of dollars a day is inconceivable to me. What kind of fucked up codependency type of thing were you trying to create here? Giving someone shelter and money to subsist while they get their life in order is one thing. But this is way different. And then you decided to just enter her apartment because since you were paying for it you had the right? Can't you see how fucked up that is? You don't help people to then claim the right to invade their privacy... Either you help or you don't, but you respect people's intimacy. This is a total lack of boundaries at best and creepy controlling behavior at worst. To then go online and tell your audience you found sex toys and costumes... What the fuck? And what is going on that they agreed to go on camera and admit to all of this, knowing the millions of people who watch are the same people that give you the money you give them?? When you had already told her you were not going to help her anymore. Why on earth is she in your studio being filmed while you detail every way in which she fucked you and the contributors over? Everything in this video is surreal. And then a guy in the comment says you knew this was going to happen but you did it anyway for the views and the money and you respond "I was well aware that either way this story was gold. I play chess while everyone else seems be playing checkers." WHAT - THE - FUCK?? That sounds completely psychopathic not to mention the level of narcissism. In fact, I've watched your interview on the Koncrete podcast and Jesus Christ, can you stop sucking your own dick?? All about how you're basically the master of forgiveness, you "have a great gift" and everything you touch "turns to gold", everything you do is great, how your photos "are better than everybody else's", how your work is "always perfect", etc. I'm not even exaggerating, these are your exact words! Sure, maybe you're just a guy who's REALLY confident in his work.... But "I play chess while everyone else seems to be playing checkers" makes it seem more like you're a egomaniac with delusions of grandeur. And sure as hell this channel would feed your ego with countless people in the comments praising you as a "saint" and an "angel", literally. It also makes it sound like you're playing these people for your own gain. In the same podcast you recognize some people think this channel is exploitative and you answer is that everything is, so is Christmas, so is being a gold-digger and maybe your critics are just envious they didn't come up with the idea themselves. What sort of a weak response is that? Again, "I was well aware that either way this story was gold. I play chess while everyone else seems be playing checkers". That's the most self incriminating and psychopathic thing you could say when someone accuses you of causing this situation on purpose for views and money. It sure as fuck doesn't make you sound like a naive saint who doesn't realize what's going on when he gives a gang member thousands of dollars a day. I'm baffled not that many people are finding all this creepy as fuck! Mark, I'm sorry if I got it all wrong, but I can't come up with a single explanation for all this that would make it alright. What is up with you??
