58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 472257 - Text: Such a sexy woman. She's stunning!!

id: 472259 - Text: A reactive narcissistic desire need to get back at men via porn ,f..with men's minds tne same way she was..toyed with very disturbed woman using sex like a weapon 11 min in ,? SEX becomes her axiomatic a way to manipulate and control men ,this is classic abused user with a frosty neurotic persona,even the lilt to the voice a child's !

id: 472262 - Text:  @skybri69  Sure and its very sad she suffered sexual abuse and rape when she was younger, but that doesn’t mean she shouldn’t be accountable for her decisions after. Being a porn star is a choice and not all rape or sexual abuse victims decide to become porn stars. There are lots of rape victims who seek to live normal lives and succeed at it. I’m not condemning her for her choices but calling out the obvious consequences of sex work. I know a few women who decided to be sugar babies and I would say it’s similar for them - most men would not be okay with that.

id: 472267 - Text: All I could think of is wow! - 4yrs old. I also feel that on some level...Chrissy's ready to deal with her trauma. (B/c her story tumbles outta her with very little prompting from Mark.) Even when she's 'interrupted' by Mark asking where she's from / grew up...she answers...(Jacksonville Florida)...then drops back into her story exactly where she left off. Most interviewees would grab this 'break' & head somewhere else, conversationally. Other thing I wanna say = Chrissy's fear of the beer can is possibly linked to her abuser having cans of beer b4, during or after sexually abusing her. She may have mentally 'split off' during the actual abuse. But the mind...(being what it is)...may notice small, random details. Which later act as trigger or cues 2 all the negative feelings the victim felt during the abuse. So u'll have this adult who has a...(seemingly)...irrational fear of an everyday object. Or location. Or song on the radio. Or cologne. Or a certain build of man. But not quite understand why. Until all the memories tied up with the abuse come crashing thru 2 the victim's conscious mind. (They usually have a complete mental breakdown @ that point.) If u ever watch the film "Marnie" by Alfred's a very similar thing. (Marnie would freak out @ the colour red. When u watch the's revealed why.)

id: 472326 - Text: I have also had to go a simular route, but mine was the one of putting down the temtation of watching your past line of work. It does my heart good to hear that you are doing good now. I pray for people that get into that line of work, as well as the men and women that struggle with any type of sex addiction. I never knew how much it was affecting my relationships until i got help and started to seek a higher power. Keep on keeping on, and keep up the good work, as well as being a good role model. Telling others of how we were able to break the cycle is our form of repentance for our past deeds.

id: 472329 - Text: Why are there so many FN perverts in the US? it’s infuriating to hear of little kids getting preyed on by adults. Sex workers (prostitute/porn star, etc.) are statistically more likely to have been sexually abused as children. So many childhood abuses are unreported and lives are forever altered. Pedophiles are twisted humans and their sick actions have destroyed so many lives. 1 in 4 women and 1 in 6 men have been sexually abused at some point in their lives. What does that say about our society? As a former Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner I chose to work with adolescents and adults because working with babies and children was too soul destroying. KUDOS to the nurses who did this sad but very necessary job.

id: 472332 - Text: That's prob why she goes through men left and right. Or they leave her because you need some connection or substance other than sex and looks to sustain a really great r-ship

id: 472346 - Text: As I’m watching this interview something caught my attention. Peep the out fit she has on. Leopard print with the star upside down. If you study MK ultra the leopard print is associated with the beta sex kitten and the Star upside down is for the baphomet. In simple terms the industry still owns this porn woman. The “God” she’s talkin about isn’t the Most High. It’s Satan the true God of this world. I feel sorry for her cause the powers that be crave and lust over women with her background in trauma. Trust when I tell you this was a form of trauma programming and her handlers getting a kick out of this.

id: 472351 - Text: What asshole uses the phrase "I will put you six feet under" I always used "You know how I know we're having sex tonight?? I'm bigger, stronger, and faster than you"

id: 472363 - Text: It's almost incomprehensible... She was in a relationship with a man who was perfectly accepting of her doing porn shoots and having hardcore sex with multiple guys - but he went to a strip club once and her heart was shattered. It's just beyond me.
