31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 549239 - Text: THIS! I was looking for someone to put into words the uncomfortable feelings that crept up on me while watching this video/reading the comments, but you worded it perfectly!! This whole interaction has left a bad taste in my mouth. I don't want to think the worst, but everything about this screams "messias-complex" to me, or at best it's incredibly naive, self-serving, irresponsible and slightly controlling treatment of a very complex, multi-layered, traumatized, troubled PERSONs (&her life). Why wasn't there at any point in this interaction, some sort of social worker/counselor/neighborhood guide (someone who has experience in the street life/turning tricks) involved, or guidance from an organisation with experts in how to help people like this girl? Seems (almost?) arrogant to me; to think an extremely complex situation like this one could simply be saved by a photographer throwing money at it and then getting upset when this girl doesn't thank him/honor him by just suddenly "choosing a different path".. how would she even know how to do that??? Money was something that crippled her even more in this situation imo, (money without any proper guidance/help/therapy to go with it I mean) and I find it hard to believe a grown man with experience with skid row (he's been doing this for years) would be that slow to catch on... Sorry if I worded this a little unclear, English is my third language and I'm tired and scatterbrained :)

id: 549249 - Text: She revealed herself in the first video, she mentioned she was in a relationship with a guy once who treated her good and she ended up treating him like her pimps used to treat her. She isn't used to kindness, she now sees kindness as a weakness and takes advantage of it. Sad as it is, she's a hustler. It's hard to cut that out.

id: 549266 - Text:  @datpiff2000  There is a nice video on Polyvagal Theory and Trauma that explained some ideas around this. On the Weekend Univeraity channel.

id: 549281 - Text: In the first video, I remember poeple's comments like : " She's a queen, she deserve the best " " If she could go back to school, she'll be so successful in her life " stuff like this. Now the same persons who put her on a pedestral, blame this girl for her lack of kindness. I think most of the first comments were from men who had a sexual desire for her because of her look and profession and the others comments depict a kind of nurse syndrom : She's a prostitute, but I can save her soul. Desire once again, but her true nature as a manipulative woman is now exposed : she just like beeing a prostitute. She don't really care about her kids and prefer to be connected with her new pimp. You can clearely see that she had no remorses for fooling the guy who tried to help her. Did she experience a bad beginning in her life ? certainly she did. Did she had the same chances other girls had ? Certainly not. Is she a good human beeing right at this point ? I don't think so.

id: 549283 - Text: I had thought I was being mean thinking that when I watched her before and not being witness to their interactions in real life; I was actually hoping that there was SOMEthing I was missing out on or that I was being too mean. Mark is a kind and patient man that did not need neither the publicity stunt nor the attention for any other reason.... On the contrary he used his own abilities to give these people publicity. So honestly I was hoping so deeply to be wrong. This channel had proven me too often right to look for the "human" in humans. I guess I just wanted this one to be also so such a case. But unfortunately just as you put it: "She saw kindness as a weakness"... Though I had not extracted it on her words of her telling of her boyfriend only.... It was the general selection of her words and the emotional chronology they were listed in. What had me most on my spidey senses though: was the second video where her energy had changed so much. It was not that of a "I am getting better.. I am with my boys" type an energy of happiness... It looked pretty much like that of someone that scored. Just compare that to the change in Amanda even in her first stages of progress. But now the way you put it... I have to admit that it was a (Now very) obvious red flag that I seem to have missed. Good observation/deduction. I am only glad that as disheartened as you can feel Marc in his voice: He has not backed off on his project.

id: 549326 - Text: Wow, as I'm listening I hear you say you helped her. I was wondering if you only did videos and now I hear in your voice your concern. Come find me. I don't need $ I need companionship. What's sad is that many have a choice and get a break and they make wrong choices. I was adopted at 5 cause my mom was an addict and her bf abused me from what I know. Born in a jail. Adopted mom abused me i ran away at 9. In the streets from 9 to 21 then went back to adopted mom with a baby. I still went down wrong path. Through the grace of God I'm in the woods now and changed my life 360. My Friday nights went from clubs to now watching my young child do dance skits. I couldn't be more happy. These women have a choice they don't want to or don't have will to change. Some videos I feel so much compasion, like that crack Addict that died, I can see her soul. Sad

id: 549374 - Text: This is so sad! Though will say when I was watching her second video…I thought something seemed off. I feel sad for her children…because they are involved in that environment, which is now a multigenerational issue. I think also that for folks that are trying to get out of that…they need counseling and to learn a whole new set of life skills…while great to give apartment, etc…if someone has never been part of a “normal life”…they only know the skills they grew up with.

id: 549380 - Text: Im sad at this result and she praises this crab ass male smh when in every video she does t even have on decent shoes. All this money for what??!!! She sounded so smart guess not

id: 549386 - Text: $100 a day? $200 a day? $300-$400? $700-$800? $1000-$2000. Car? Decent,$10,000+insurance? Apartment in L.A.? Deposit, electric? Cabin in the mountains and lift tickets? Seems like someone was looking for some fun themself. Be honest. Are we to believe a person that is given so much credit for doing good and smart just happen to be fooled without an ulterior motive? Did the gun shot victim he interviewed get this much money to enjoy? Or any other hurting souls? Doesn't seem like the contributions to the channel have any accountability if this is an example of how its blown. Then puts her back on camera; weak. She owes nothing to anyone. Someone got heartbroken and fooled but needed us see for justification. Very few interviewes of firefighters, doctors, nurses or anyone who has actually done great in life, no matter their upbringing or environment, good or bad. Know why? Those dont make many likes which means ad money and money contributions. And let's face it, this cash give away is the only one we know of that may be credible.If it's too good to be true, it usually is. But hey, its good entertainment and most of the videos make most people thankful for what they have if they are not in bad situations. So that's a plus. If you genuinely care to help folks in need, volunteer in person. Money will come from nice corporations rest assured. As for this, well; very few can believe this was a mistake unless blindness of conscious and well intentions is from those who don't want to see it for it is. Again, be honest.

id: 549418 - Text:  @SoftWhiteUnderbelly  Lord. 4 hours ago I randomly opened Asriah’s first video with you, and then the second, and this video, and then in comments I found this. This is probably the fastest and the most dramatic, heartbreaking, letdown emotional “roller coaster” I have been on for a while (or years).
