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id: 472376 - Text: She talked about being raped (multiple times), foolied, sexually and physically abused just like normal routine, business as usual, whereas one of these acts is enough to ruin your whole life. Makes you wonder how much more she s been through. I m glad she is a good place now.

id: 472394 - Text: It’s wild seeing these interviews because I knew women who went into pornography that I knew from college. We tried to talk them out of it but they were so lured by the quick and easy money that they never thought about the consequences. The money lasted about five years. They lived together and shared almost everything, so when they were all used up from the sex and drugs and cigarettes, there was nothing left. They blew the money they earned on cocaine and clothes. One of them showed up at my doorstep asking me to take her in. My girlfriend was not interested in having another woman stay in our apartment, so I gave her money to buy food and move in to the same apartment complex we live in and knew the manager. He cut her a deal as soon as he figured out who she was and ended up having sex with her for favors on the rent. What a mess that woman was.

id: 472410 - Text: Bro how many ppl get sexually molested when young Wtf Wed jump on the 16yr old babysitter when we were 9 but thats I guess its ok

id: 472476 - Text: something ive noticed from women sexualizing themselves is they seek approval or compliments from men. girls who dont do that probably received sufficient kindness from their male figures

id: 472510 - Text: As a woman, I'd say only about 8% or less of the women I know haven't had something happen to them; but I am also sympathetic to why so many men were defensive during the MeToo movement--I read a great article about 'Why We Don't Tell Our Fathers about Sexual Abuse" and Crissy's answer was #1. Other reasons are that we don't want them to view us as newly sexual/sexualized beings, etc. But, I guess just to add to what she's said--just because we don't share, doesn't mean it's not happening--at astronomical rates. Dads--try to open the conversation. Let your daughters know you fully expect your daughters to mature into sexual beings and that's ok! It's not shameful or unexpected. Trust me--this will go a LONG way in helping your daughters feel comfortable opening up in so many ways I wish I'd had access to with my dad.

id: 472514 - Text: What I am learning from these interviews is that most people get broken by other people or trauma, typically as children or young adults. Then many spend the rest of their lives trying to recreate/relive their trauma subconsciously, to perhaps try to fix/overcome/confront the issue. Side note: If anyone wonders why good men are walking away from women.. watch the interview. Pretty women can do no wrong and "Captain Save a 304" is always waiting at the end of the carousel. - When women keep rewarding abusive, bad men with sex.. no wonder they end up alone, crying about getting hit and raped. Women get no more sympathy from me. (Single mothers & their bad-boy fathers = Wrecks civilization)

id: 472517 - Text: After working in the field of child abuse/neglect and talking to a lot of Females over many years, the stats that say "1 in 4" Women have some type of sexual abuse by 18, is too low.

id: 472526 - Text: she has done so well. Her story reminds of sex addicts anonymous which also help ppl recover. God is not obligatory but it sure helps to have a higher power that grounds you in your centre. Constant practice and reminders are essential.

id: 472550 - Text: This woman Crissy for sure didnt have a good childhood. Almost all these unfortunates in this channel,or whoever we want to call them,have that,but its also interesting to me that there are also some people with troubled childhoods that didnt end up on the bad road..and some that had loving caring parents that did do just that. Although,we must of course,assume,that many people with tragic lives did have a bad start of their lives. I think she did the right thing by hooking up,after many wrong turns,with a guy that was religious and actually,not even that interested in sex,maybe asexual? It almost sound like that to me here. But at any event,I think it was perfect choice for Crissy as her life was so very different from that and and her ex boyfriends were so different from her current husband. It would never worked out with some random porn injured guy that would like to hang on to her previous porn star persona,or her many dirtbag ex boyfriends. I wonder if her current husband knows about her past? Did they get any children? She did always want children? A guy that didnt want sex from her must have been heaven sent,for sure...after all these previous bad experiences. As she also mentions there. After all that happend, one must assume,that a woman with her bad experiences of sex,like also prostitutes must share,it cant be normally enjoyable anymore. Many of these people with all that bad baggage can never have normal relationships again,with men,sexually. Thats the price they must pay for chosing that path. It screws you up. Im sure its also a problem for male porn stars.Probably only very few can really let that go completely. Considering their background,its not difficult to understand why. I think therefore that its easier for these women to engage with men that dont care too much about sex,if they want other types of relationships that are serious and not pimp-porn agent related "relationship". That is actually business and not love. I think she did a strong thing to cut loose,eventually,after all the self hurt she had inflicted on herself,and that other had done to her,to totally change path there,from her love less existance to something better. All this said,I wonder about that guy,that she was very careful to keep hidden in this interview. Does he knows what her background is? Considering his strict religious background,I would guess he doesnt know. Would he be able to take all that she had in her background and be ok with that? I must confess that it would bother me. It would bother me to some regard intimitely,knowing that 100s of guys,maybe 1000s,have been with her in the past and I would always wonder if I was just another trick in some parts of her must be, so much damaged soul even with her christian faith and changed path and healed mind.. I know,we are all taught to leave the past in the past,its the best thing to do,turn a new chapter and all of that but it would still bother me to some point,I would very much prefer a woman with much less bagage then that if I was single and looking for someone. But thats me. Its good that she has a new husband,that knowlingly? or not is with her and that can make her happy. I hope the best for her. She has shown courage and strength here..and she deserves a better second part of her life then the first part was. I also wonder if she has any contact today with her family? Her blood family.

id: 472563 - Text: This interview was so powerful!!! I can totally relate to Crissy’s story … I’ve been so close to getting in the industry but God wouldn’t allow me to go down that route . As a Sexual Abuse/Physical abuse survivor starting at 10 yrs old I’ll never ever be the same again. But one thing I know for sure is that Therapy & God truly saved my life. It’s nothing that you never get over especially when your innocence is taken away!!! I battled with Clinical Depression/Anxiety an I’ve had my days when I’ve contemplated suicide but I now realize I am WORTH IT & WORTHY OF LOVE & serve a divine purpose here on earth I just need to figure out what it is.
