58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 49335 - Text: I notice a link from sex workers that they never had a settled childhood growing up.

id: 49365 - Text:  @michellerodgers2664  Gabor Mate........ the most profound psychiatrist on this his decades of working with trauma.....has determined that 100% of his female clients have been neglected or abused sexually, emotionally or psychologically (which is just as horrific as physical)..... I’ll stand firm that SOME form of trauma exist in the deep psyche of these ladies....

id: 49421 - Text: Usually because they were beat or molested themselves as children. Abuse carries an extreme weight where a child learns to fear their source of safety and love. They learn that love is expressed through sex by a parent and in turn can't avoid doing that themselves. it's so gnarly. I feel like we dont fully understand the magnitude of generational abuse.

id: 49441 - Text: This channel happens to have a dedicated playlist for sexual abusers. I haven't really checked it, because ...

id: 49451 - Text: I'm sorry you had to go through all the pain. Sex has been abused by the entertainment industry, Hollywood, & the media. Remember that Jesus accepts you. Jesus is the only therapist u need.

id: 49474 - Text: For anyone with a soul who watches porn, know that the industry preys off of young girls like this; your favorite porn stars weren't born like that. Porn is filled with broken girls often sexually abused in their youth, go to LA with dreams of acting, cope with drugs and fall into the vice-grip of the industry. People who criticize pimps, rightfully so, I guess need to realize pornographers are 1000x worse.

id: 49491 - Text: Their truths? That’s a common misconception....Not everyone in the sex industry comes from a broken home.

id: 49493 - Text: Most of you in this thread are pretty stuck up and ignorant in your own special way. The bottom line should be porn isn't something that should be praised or supported but it also isn't something that should be shunned or discriminated. Leave it alone and let people make their own path. You can make a career out of it, you can hate it, it can ruin your life, you can be addicted to it, if for some reason you can't have sex it can give you that release, it can ruin your relationship, it can make your sex life better. All these things and there's so much more than I listed but can you answer this question. How do people making porn affect your personal life?

id: 49499 - Text: You do realize when couples are having issues with infertility, the man will go into the doctors office and they have porn on or give them magazines to help them ejaculate. What is wrong are people that villainize pornography. It’s OK for people to have sex in their bedrooms and film it but it’s disgusting for someone to get paid to do it? I’m assuming most of you also don’t believe in abortion. It’s a type🤷🏼‍♀️

id: 49503 - Text:  @jesse-4198  i am a clinical psychiatrists and let me tell you almost every single one of these women about 91% if you look at the data have been sexually assaulted when they were little it creates severe trauma and low self esteem. They also do it as a coping mechanism and identify with it and do it more to show they have control of there bodies. Almost all women ive treated or fellow colleagues have treated all report these women have alot of regret for performing in adult films. The suicide rate is also extremely higher.
