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id: 472575 - Text: I wonder how many more porn actresses, strippers, escorts, sex workers, this dude needs to interview with before marrying one of them? I mean it’s obvious this interviewer has some kind of special interests to these women. He even openly sometimes put himself in the shoes of their boyfriends while asking them questions. What’s your deal man? Be honest, are you the next Ted Bundy or their savior?

id: 472581 - Text: Commenting on the beginning of the video: she mentions her dad threatening to kill anyone who would "touch" her. That's a macho-man mentality that is very common, and super detrimental. It betrays (IMO) an attitude that considers a female child as property rather than as a human being. "No one messes with my property." If it were about the child, he would have explained inappropriate touching and boundaries and so on. But that wasn't the issue. He didn't convey his meaning at all with her understanding in mind (because she's just property to him). Same kind of thing happened to my wife as a child. Macho dad. At one point, my wife got punished because a boy put his arm around her (he and my wife were about 8 years old at the time). So when my wife began getting molested by a family friend at around age 10 or 11, she was terrified to tell anyone. It was one of her dad's friends that was molesting her, virtually every week for a couple years. Dad was too busy drinking to notice. The man who molested my wife would tell her that if she told anyone, she would get in terrible trouble. And of course her experience of being punished just for being touched by a boy made her believe this was true. Anyhow, just to point out how toxic masculinity macho-man bullshit has all kinds of unintended harmful effects. Parents should explain sex and sexual boundaries to children - from an early age, and to make it clear that the child can always safely tell parents anything. Sex and sexuality should not be treated as shameful things to be hidden away. That makes all kinds of sexual abuse that much more likely. Instead, openness, honesty, and kindness are the best weapons against sexual abuse. Anyhow, this opening part of the video really hit home for me.

id: 472598 - Text: So Crissy fits the common narrative that all women in adult film or sex work come from abusive, traumatized, f’d up backgrounds. Her issues are easy to see, even in the thumbnail you chose for the video. I think it’s really important for these types of stories to be told, but it has also become obvious that there are a great many young women today who do not fit this commonplace narrative, who have strong self esteem, who gain a sense of empowerment from their work, and who challenge the standard narrative that adult film and sex work is dark and dirty. If you really want to change the world with your videos, show all sides of a subject, not just what is going to play into peoples preconceived notions and societies standard narrative.

id: 472683 - Text: A woman who was damned because of her beauty then saved because of her beauty. A life defined by sexuality. It always amazes me how stories like this turn into belief for fairy tales. After a certain amount of trauma I don’t think the human mind can cope with self development but with “faith”.

id: 472717 - Text:  @thecutest4282  Your example is a false equivalent. She does have a crazy mindset Bc how can you be mad at the dude for going to a strip club (he could have legit only got a dance or watched) while she is having actual sex on camera (and could be doing some freaky shit) that can be pulled up at anytime.

id: 472718 - Text:  @user-ru1zp7fq6k  they both have crazy mindsets to begin with. I'm a Muslim and this is all sinful to me. I'm not giving her excuses. But I've been reading the comments of men confused how she still feel jealous about that. All I wanna say is that she's just like ya'll. Men be cheating whether having an actual sex or not and still blame you for cheating on him If u do the same. That's very common.

id: 472761 - Text: This woman is absolutely shameless LOL.....she's literally having sex with other men EVERYDAY doing porn.....and somehow has the audacity to get mad at her boyfriend for going to a strip club?? Are you serious?? Surely she can see the hypocrisy there?? She wants to "be loved" but thinks having sex with other men in porn shouldn't affect that?? LOL

id: 472772 - Text:  @faithbycatholicism1416  isn't he a hoooo too? Or only women are called with such names when they do sexual activities. The hypocrisy men have is top notch!

id: 472773 - Text:  @thecutest4282  how is he a hoooo? Because he went to a strip club??? While his GF is ACTUALLY having sex with other men (everyday) for money??? Who are you defending here??? Are you actually defending the person who is literally doing PORN???? Why??? All the BF did was go to a strip club??? and somehow he's the hypocrite?? I don't understand your logic.

id: 472811 - Text: When you meet someone who seems like they may be a beautiful person, try to make a beautiful friend. A beautiful friend is a diamond. Sex is a common stone like one you may discover along a roadway, admire, and then toss into the brush. Which stone have you thrown?
