58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 472842 - Text:  @aliensoup2420  If it wouldn't exists how would you say it is still necessary. I don't think anybody needs religion to get out of drugs and the sexual work life style of easy money. I guess you can replace religion with anything people can have the brain washed with and it will still work. It works because it washes peoples brains.

id: 472872 - Text: No, they learned it from the school system that now teaches elementary children that it is okay to have anal sex, and now push to decriminalize & have your child be okay with peedoughs. Pe-do doesnt become decriminalized overnight, its a decades long baby step process where one day 12 year old boys are allowed to decide to chemically castrate themselves and 10 year old girls are allowed the same my body/my rights argument, until that eventual generation grows up seeing this as the norm and those disagreeing with it as the issue.

id: 472878 - Text: Sad to be a number. Looking sexual abuse. On line

id: 472881 - Text: The major definition of sexual freedom should be freedom from being sexually assaulted, especially for children and teenagers.

id: 472914 - Text: I'm thinking , did Crissy know anybody that wasn't a fucking selfish lunatic obsessed with sex? How can a woman who just wants to be cared for run into so many bitch made asshole punks ? Has to be a reason .

id: 472936 - Text: Wow this story reminds me of my own childhood being raised by parents who were in the FBI. My dad was a firearms specialist and defensive tactics instructor at FBI headquarters in Quantico, VA and was supposed to represent law/order, truth , justice, honor and courage but he was an abusive psychopath who used his power and status to harm myself and many other people while my mother was his enabler. And then when I started to talk about this abuse about 4 years ago he manipulated my psychiatrist and the legal system to have me involuntarily committed to a mental health facility and put under his control via a guardianship...sort of like what happened to Britney Spears. What goes on in lock-down mental health facilities is horrifying and amounts to gross negligence and human rights violations. Nobody questioned the lies he was telling about me because of his background. Everyone around me just assumed HE was telling the truth and I was 'crazy'. My girls were taken from me, I was placed on medications that made me even more unstable, manipulatable and incoherent. I went to court to defend myself while committed and could barely see straight or hold a pen to communicate with my public defender. My own father and mother tried to destroy me for speaking my truth. I am still in active recovery from this 4 years later. The CPTSD, flashbacks, nightmares, insomnia, paranoia, anxiety, depression are debilitating most days even being in consistent therapy and having limited contact with my parents. Its like their voices are still able to communicate with me in my head and I can very easily gaslight myself and cause all sorts or cognitive distortions that perpetuate negative thinking patterns. The damage toxic and abusive parents or care-givers do to their children is indescribable. I had no idea for most of my life that I was just being passed off to different men thinking I was in love when I was really just being trafficked in a 'socially acceptable' manner. When you see people that are in the sex trade or addicts there is really nothing wrong with them. To me, I just see a childhood of severe abuse, trauma, neglect and denial of their reality. It would make any sane person turn to substances to numb the pain. You either choose drugs or some other form of escape and dissociation or you become like your abuser.

id: 473027 - Text: Molestation seems to be an underlining theme in these videos, from drug addicts to sex workers etc

id: 473033 - Text: This ids the dark side of porn that no one want to talk about. We don’t need to shame sex workers but can we please stop acting like this doesn’t happens.

id: 473079 - Text: any sexual crime should have no statue of limitation for sure if its against a minor

id: 473085 - Text: But she is a born again Christian. On the religious right. Instead of having sex with people, she supports ideas that kill millions.
