31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 549694 - Text:  @FEWGEE1  the reason he made the video is for clarification, how easy would it be to cover the mistake up if all he's got all this power and control over people and endless money from gofund me? No, he was literally taken by conartists. He had to swallow his pride, make the video clearing everything up as best he could. I personally think the girl is straight up in survival mode. She knows the man who controls her, and it ain't Mark.

id: 549695 - Text:  @charissa6648  the money goes to one account to dole out as who is in charge pleases. Be honest. As far as entertainment, the whole channel is used to make ad money and contributions.Never see good puppy stories or rose garden videos because those dont sell.Yes, alot of these folks are miserable and that sucks, we hope they ALL recover and get to live good lifes. A far as distribution of money everyone on there should get equal amounts of the total. Do u really believe that's what happens? They all deserve apartments, cars, hundreds of dollars a day, ski trip tickets.

id: 549704 - Text: I’ve watched several of your videos. In the beginning I could see that your were trying to just show how difficult this type of existence is. There were some stories that were just heartbreaking! Then, after a while, it was evident that these folks were exploiting your kindness and trying to embellish their stories in a warped “one-up-man-ship” method, to extort you and your audience. Now that your channel has gained some traction and a larger audience, you have drawn the attention of a much darker force onto your channel. It is apparent that this girl has been used and abused by everyone around her however, the symbolism she’s projecting, demonstrates a naive allegiance to the greatest manipulator known to man. He will devour her and her kids, if he hasn’t already. Sad …jmo…

id: 549741 - Text: Such a shame, all that she was telling us in the very first video about her not being able to trust people etc has completely turned on its head and that now we’ll don’t trust her! (Including Mark) Obviously with what she has been through most of her life, it will be hard to lower her barriers in trusting some people but that’s a life lesson for most of us to deal with? It’s so sad how she can’t get out of this rut when all you have ever known is the life she has lived for many years. I believe a lot of what she said in the previous videos to this was true and some of it was an act, (well, I’m hoping that’s the case?) I wish her well and hope she finds the strength to give herself and her boys a better future far away from this life she is living, you can see she is a strong girl, so she’s half way there, she just has to be true to herself make her own decisions in life and never look back? No one else can help you girl, at the end of the day all of us in life can only help ourselves because we only have ourselves to help no matter if you have all the support in the world from friends and family, they can only help you with so much the rest is up to you?? You’re young enough to have the best life you choose to have for you and your boys, so grad it with both hands and run with it, set a wonderful example to yours boys in how a mother should be, you wouldn’t want your boys to have bad memories to look back on when they’re older, love and care doesn’t cost anything from a mother & father. I wish you well ❤️

id: 549771 - Text: It’s so hard to see those who have been left and forgotten by our society, the comments on this video are awful - this is what systemic disparities results in - real life people hurting and hurting others

id: 549789 - Text: In her first video she claimed she had to relearn how to walk, talk, get skin grafts etc. but in that skimpy outfit & not a mark on her. C’mon. She played you hard, man.

id: 549822 - Text: First time I watch this type of video. With all the respect and lifestyle or whatever you call it. Your intention to help is amazing. However, her situation looks more spiritual she is tied to a world that has been her entire life. Both need spiritual help and a will to change. I do not try to offense or judge anybody. However, There is hope in Jesus!. :-) God bless everyone.

id: 549826 - Text: Kudo's to you Mark. I just finished watching the three videos of Asriah. It's heartbreaking the path she decided over the one you imagined. I think a retreat in the mountains run by past survivours would be more benifical. When you mix, gangs, drugs and sex you have a combination for failure. Mark, you truely are a very special individual and earned a lot of respect from a lot of people, please keep up the great work you have been doing, despite a setback or two.

id: 549846 - Text: Jesus I feel so sick I really wish in a way that I wouldn't have watched the whole video... This is why GOOD people that really NEED HELP, that really WANT HELP, that really want CHANGE and a BETTER LIFE don't EVER get the OPPORTUNITY. Someone before them has done THIS...

id: 549848 - Text: OmG !!!!!! my ❤ is so broken 💔 I can't listen to this whole video and I'm just a couple mins in!!!!!
