58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 473088 - Text: She's wearing the symbolism of the MK ULTRA Beta sex kitten program. 'nuff said.

id: 473098 - Text: One of the reasons why I dislike especially professional porn, is because I know so many of the people in it have been sexually abused by a parent or guardian. So many have this type of story in their background. Very sick people have too much influence on the world, the abuser is truly the worst sort.

id: 473122 - Text: She claimed to be unaware of how grade school kids learn about sex and the draw of potential predators. Unfortunately for most those of us with childhood sexual trauma it's gonna be unusual how older people especially kids play out acts upon interacting until either learning from someone who has knowledge or experience of sex acts and or situations or triggers that birth or plays into it and it always happens to be realative friend of family or peers.In my childhood in the '80s porn was on without parents being able to block it, some of my peers had more sex awareness due to family members teaching them the sex trade or being manipulative like their molester and picked up on signals in behavior, vocal tone, and subject matter or body language and would force these situations on a lot of us, so unless taught about these things generation after generation gonna go through these unfortunate situations and possibly become predators or sex workers or feel that being in an abusive relationship is better than being lonely.But even for those of us that doubt GOD'S love or existence when living through these unfortunate situations faith, like it has done for this woman, will birth a new beginning eventually it just has to be believed in and recognized when it is available or appears on ones life path.Luckily for this woman, she was touched by an Angel and acted on it correctly

id: 473125 - Text: Pornography was a way for her to take control of her own sexuality. It probably gave her a sense of agency over her life. Sad, yet extremely beautiful and human.

id: 473126 - Text: I'd like to hear about how she ministers to girls and women are in the industry and sex work in general.

id: 473131 - Text: Man she is sexy. Southern girl. Yeah I think I am going to my local Southern Baptist church this Sunday. Lol.

id: 473135 - Text: To see her laugh and smile when she mentions being sexually abused brings back a LOT of painful memories. I wish I were as brave as you, Crissy.

id: 473140 - Text: I wish people would realize how much permanent harm they cause a child when they sexually abuse them. You can see the pain and anguish in Chrissy’s eyes when she speaks of her father, there’s more to that story than she’s saying. I wish her well and am so happy she has her Faith to guide her, she seems like a really nice woman.

id: 473145 - Text: I don’t understand the part about her sending a sexy pic of herself and him getting angry. I think she was trying to get validation of her beauty from her husband. 🤔🤔

id: 473176 - Text: It's safe to say she was repeatedly raped and her attackers manipulated her into sexual bondage. Women really need to get the idea out of their heads that they owe a man time and sex just because the man made an effort to get you there. I think it's time to give flowers to Soft White Underbelly, there has not been an interview he has done that was not profound and probably helpful to many around the world who may have thought they were alone in what they go through.
