58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 473400 - Text: Is there a child who was not sexually abused?

id: 473401 - Text: I’m beginning to think more have than haven’t. My twin sister and I were both victims of childhood sexual abuse. We both have PTSD as well. Much love and prayer for all others that have lost their innocence in this way.

id: 473409 - Text: She sounds very childlike, because of sexual assault at 4 years old and sexual abuse as she grew up. A part of her psyche has been arrested and "Stuck" at that point in her development and hasn't progressed much ever since. I'm certain she is also an incest survivor. She was sexually, emotionally, and physically traumatized and of course drugs and alcohol in the mix. Not surprised she fell into porn. She's basically a sexualized child. She needed attention. And her sexuality brought attention to her but in that medium. It's REALLY Sad no one brought her to a female psychiatrist for treatment. She never had a chance! I'm REALLY surprised she didn't end up a suicide. Hope she's in recovery treatment and making progress with her life. What she NEEDS is NOT to be judged ... and in-patient treatment at a good safe, psychiatric hospital for at least 2 years with a very good female therapist experienced with sexual assault and incest survivors, anti-depressants. I feel so terribly bad for her ... nobody deserves this type of existence.

id: 473474 - Text:  @chucky3333  Do everything you can to get them talking, and especially let them know that they can tell you anything and say anything to you, without reprisals, so long as it is true. If they will not talk about it to you, get them to a counselor, esp. one who specializes in sexual abuse. Kids seem to find the whole experience bewildering and overwhelming, they want to forget it; cannot always articulate themselves about it. Good energy with that.

id: 473508 - Text: Every porn star I have seen interviewed discloses childhood sexual abuse.

id: 473510 - Text: It seems like she was molested by one man and then projected that fear onto every man she ever met afterward. So everyday interactions became acts of sex as a defense mechanism. You can tell by the way she speaks that she stopped maturing at a very young age, which is a natural effect of experiencing trauma as a child. The thing is, it isn't her fault, but her actions are. You can't blame anyone but yourself if you don't seek help, even if it means pushing past the fear and confusion. And even as an adult, she doesn't seek help. Instead, she finds herself jumping in bed after bed, trying to create some sense of control and balance. She couldn't even go a few hours on her own before jumping into someone's bed and creating a false relationship, and taking advantage of someone's interest in her to have a place to stay. She has evolved from the abused to the abuser, and that is entirely on her to correct.

id: 473514 - Text: I had zero self worth even though im always able to find a boyfriend and mating with very attractive members of opposite sex...lolol i got cheated on because he went to a strip club....hahahahahahhahahahaahha. People like this deserve the acid bath so they know what being ugly is really like and being rejected feels 28 and never had a girlfriend so cry me a fucking river.....hahahahha praying to god after barley even being cheated been used by every girl ive fallen in love with...and i have had to be ok with it...cuz my alternative is about that affect on my self worth....want to talk about despair? Gtfoutta here...i legit hate good looking people...gods gonna take care of no.your looks are taking care of u....fuck.good looking ppl dont even know how good they have it... no good looking person should be allowed to complain ever unless legit trauma was experienced...and even then they can bounce back way quicker and better than ugly ppl like me....every good.looking person who sees this will act like its hieroglyphs...but ugly ppl like me or fat ppl know exactly what the fuck im talking about....

id: 473547 - Text: She got exploited as an adult sexually and she went along with it. How is it that she did not see as if she was sheltered all her life. Knowingly what she has she should have embraced it and make a ton of money

id: 473550 - Text: How do kids even know that kind of stuff? - asked porn actress. Its very hard to see her being in pain because of her childhood and when you see that most of sex-business workers had veery difficult and painful life it's starting to change vision about things like sex workers porn etc. Very sad place to be

id: 473561 - Text: Notice how she’s playing victim of using the word scary over and over?...let alone this silent and eye movement on talks...The way she talks it looks like she’s full of sht and 🧢..I can’t believe anyone who talks like when your dad wants to protect you he’s the bad guy and when he doesn’t when someone takes advantage of you then he’s the bad guy..and when a guy tells you that you or looking good is creepy?..okay, but when a chad does it meaning in a sexual way it isn’ to say that am assuming they don’t but I highly doubt that they meant it in the wrong way..again acting victim..if they did they would have harassed you in a physical way but dint.
