31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 550791 - Text: Well this is proof why you dont help human garbage. Remember how in the first video she said her goal is to get away from this life and raise her kids. Then he gave her what she said she wanted and a few months later she goes back to the life by her own will. This is why noone helps these people because most people know its not worth it.

id: 550810 - Text: @I If she got a job and lived right gang ain't stunting losing her.Plus gang ain't looking for you when your gone just will handle you if seen and she was safe and out the way. She is jeapordizing her kids every day.Of course I have immediate family that is an addict.Its a choice.Stop making excuses.She is a manipulator that says and does whatever to get whatever she wants.She did it to the interviewer.Then blamed the pimp for her behavior.i'm a very empathetic person but I know a liar manipulator when I see 1 and she is that.She didn't buy her children nothing with the thousands of dollars but I bet she bought plenty drugs.I felt bad for her on 1st video.Second video I felt bad for her kids only.She knows exactly what to say to always look like the victim meanwhile she is doing everything she loves that's dangerous without a second thought about her kids needs and wants.Skip her.

id: 550826 - Text: Damn bro I watch all 3 of her videos I was hoping she would do better

id: 550830 - Text: What is wrong with you that you would keep handing drug addicts money? You have a huge heart and you work with a lot of addicts. You of anybody should know that the last thing you do for one of these people is to give them money. Why on Earth would you do that? I keep watching more and more of this video and I'm just blown away that you basically handed these people death on a silver platter. "The soft underbelly" video channel has shown me some great things ... this is the first of THIS result. You of all people should know that drug addicts can't be trusted with money. I don't feel any sympathy for you at all. I've been an addict and I worked with addicts... I'm not one bit surprised at what this woman did. I'm surprised at what YOU DID!

id: 550834 - Text: I’m not gonna say much. What I want to say has already been said by many people in the comments. Mark, you’re a great man. All the respect to you, sir. As for this girl, I don’t know what to say. Wish all the best no matter what. Onto the next video.

id: 550837 - Text: I never leave negative comments but honestly, you can't just give people money and expect them to turn their lives around, especially when they've come from such a challenging background and have experienced as much trauma as this young woman. She should have had professional mental health and social worker support from the start. And the fact that he spends a majority of this video shaming her for her decisions shows that he is not qualified nor has the training to successfully support people struggling in these situations.

id: 550841 - Text: The interviewer was giving her $400 per day...!? That's an exorbitant amount of money for most people and a FORTUNE to this girl. (Is he just independently wealthy? Or more likely, do these videos simply bring in a ton of cash.) One wonders, what did he imagine this girl was doing every day with $400 daily?

id: 550855 - Text: Hmmmm now, I’ve been watching these videos for such a long time now. This one is different. I think this turned personal along the way! Theirs no way, absolutely no way this was just help… She doesn’t say much bc she knows the level they were on and how she betrayed him. He knows he got too deep into things… It’s okay Mark. We all fall foolish at times! Theirs so many nice families that could have had that $300-$400/day or $1000(2)/day… Mark fell in love and was giving in to her every desire. She pulled the kids in and that was a wrap. And it all backfired for all of them due to them all being in it with the wrong intentions… Ta-Daaaa

id: 550857 - Text: You sound like you’re new to the channel. If so, watch some more videos and check out the videos about mark himself.

id: 550866 - Text: I hope that a lot of people watching these videos realize just how addictive these lifestyles can be and just how difficult it can be to get out of them. I think that providing them with cash and buying them cars is enabling them. It is OK to help them, but they've gotta be the ones that want to help themselves. It really saddens and disappoints me just how often this happens. If anything else changes, please stop buying them cars! And please maybe have a personal assistant handle the communications to ensure they're not just taking all of your money and not really truly wanting to get out and get help.
