58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 474225 - Text:  @shelbykins  if you have some time check out that gay gentleman from Detroit. I believe he was wearing overalls in the video. He definitely comes off as equating sex with love. He seems like the happiest guy in town. He was in a relationship with an older man at a young age but really described it a fond memory and a time where his confusion about his sexuality was resolved.

id: 474240 - Text: Yes she definitely has stunted maturity. She talks like a 4 year old. She is trauma stuck. Going into porn means her whole identity is based on her sexual attractiveness bc that’s the only time she got validated. One needs to deeply examine their family of origin dynamics bc u don’t know who you are unless you examine the family issues and analyze those issues and how they affected you. Nuff said for now. She needs a recovery process seriously.

id: 474259 - Text: ”Respect sex workers” sure, whatever makes you feel progressive. But the main thing is; help them get out of that circumstance.

id: 474268 - Text: Girl I would love you. You are sexy as hell

id: 474284 - Text: She's a sad and beautiful girl. Most sex workers have a history of being molested as kids. I hope men keep that in mind when they spend money on the toxic sex industry.. Most of them are also trafficked to some degree.

id: 474287 - Text: She’s so sweet. Fuck the guys I’m so happy I discovered a couple years ago that I don’t have to always do you things sexually with a guy to get him to like me I think he’s going to stay. That’s not good and it’s not being in my feminine energy. I’m not gonna be pressured or forced to do something I don’t want to do just because a guy was hanging out with me or take me on a date no

id: 474293 - Text: Bla, bla, bla, skip, Bla, bla, bla Bla slip, bla, bla skip Bla, bla, bla skip Bla, bla, bla skip..... Domestic and sexual abuse counselors take note: textbook example. All of her naive expectations come from television. She spends all day she's not being penetrated on camera watching soap operas.

id: 474305 - Text: I agree. Being thought of as a sexual object and nothing more is disheartening. Makes one develop a sense of being alone and guarded. This leads to men thinking you’re property. It’s tiring.

id: 474325 - Text: Attractive women have to handle themselves in a certain way not to be seen as just a sexual object. I feel like you have to be somewhat stern. Kind of like a dont f with me attitude. If you're friendly men take it as flirting then hit on you. I would assume that is all men though

id: 474343 - Text: This channel has opened my eyes to all of the different types of child abuse that end up wrecking a child's adult life! A child is so precious and to go thru mental, verbal, emotional, physical and sexual abuse is so wrong. Then as an adult, EXTREME EXPLOITATION! I mean a moma tiger and MoMA bear don't treat their Cubs like this, it's all caring, teaching and nuture. Only humans f their kids up!
