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id: 474376 - Text: People get stuck in the age that they lost control . Weather it be drugs , sex ,money or physical abuse they need to stop the bad behavior and look back to the age that the trouble started and forgive the offender and forgive them selves for their reactions to their troubles . Dmt can help

id: 474386 - Text: agreed. I really wonder how that can be measured in other countries that aren't so modest and repressed. America is so backwards with the outward appearance of sexual freedom yet there is so much fear and silence to teach our kids what is proper and normal. I know in Norway it's just out in the open, it's not stigmatized, it's just a normal part of life. There is just something really effed up with our society that creates these horrible parents who either don't know better or can't control themselves and the next generation is created. It just sickens me how these children are treated, amazing resiliance.

id: 474395 - Text: I so agree with the shocking amount of abuse that exists. I was mentally abused but never sexually abused or even knew it was a thing. These videos seem at times to seemn

id: 474407 - Text:  @dia.6213  Sorry, but none of that changes anything that relates to adults stopping fucking with children. The government does not govern sexual victimization of children. You're barking up the wrong tree. The problem needs a solution, and just like everything else in this country, Uncle Sam isn't the cause or cure.

id: 474411 - Text: You are so right. Then you add in the trafficking of runaways and people brought to the US (and many other countries) with a promise of a job and end up being sex slaves. Our foster care system needs a complete overhaul and abusers need to be weeded out and jailed. There is very little follow up on kids who are placed because the system is overcrowded and underfunded. Foster parents need to account for the monies spent and on and on. We can’t keep moving abused kids out of abusive homes only to place them with another abuser. More mental health is needed for PTSD and other issues. I took a class while working as a Sexual Assault RN and conservatively it is thought that 1 in 4 women and 1 in 6 men have experienced some form of sexual abuse (touching to all the way to rape). That is hard to believe but here we are.

id: 474417 - Text:  @DrummerJacob  If I may answer your questions. The solution is old fashioned preaching of the gospel and of the depravity of man and our sinful nature. Very few preachers preach the truth. They preach what they have been trained to preach. They do not walk with God. They do not live separated lives. Very few of them preach about the constant conflict between the old nature and the new nature that those who put their trust in Jesus Christ as their Saviour receive. This battle between two natures is usually won by the old nature. which is why so many preachers, even, fall into sexual sins. We need a revival of self-discipline and most of all constant yielding to the Holy Spirit by those who know the Lord as their Saviour. Then we must address the lack of punishment in our judicial system of those who violate the privacy of others. Allowing sex outside of marriage as long as it is consensual is a big problem. There should be automatic consequences, and provisions, such as, requiring a man to support a woman the rest of his life if he defiles her and will not marry her. We also need to reinstate an automatic death penalty for those who rape a woman and it is proven beyond any shadow of a doubt.

id: 474422 - Text:  @nyoshabrown7266  It’s insane how child molesters get such light sentences. They will never be rehabilitated. It is a sickness. They have to. They take the innocence away from the child. Leaving them broken for the rest of their lives. It’s insane how Drug dealers sentences so extreme? They can be rehabilitated. Pedophiles will never get better. The legal system fails the children by letting them back into society. Lock them up for the rest of their lives. So they can’t destroy more children. They get let out of prison and it’s a proven fact they will keep on hurting the innocent. It is also a fact that sexual abuse is a catalyst for addiction. Ask any addict if they had been abused as a child. Most likely they will say it happened to them. It happened to me. I never spoke of it until my Mother got pregnant. She was going to have a girl. I was 15. That is when I finally told my mother. I wanted to save my baby sister from what I went through. When I confided to my Mother she told me that it happened to her too. By the same man. Her father. Why isn’t this extreme issue discussed out loud. Brought into the light. Why isn’t more being done about this?? So many abused victims never tell. We hide ashamed and confused. At that young of age. Not having a clue as to what sexual behavior is. It’s so confusing to a child. Especially when it is an adult in our lives we are told to respect. The effects it has on the abused for the rest of their is incomprehensible. When I first tried drugs. I dove in head first. Finally I could numb myself and not think or remember. I was an addict for 25 years. I have been sober since 2020. Now at 44 I clear headed. I am finally dealing with everything that has been repressed for years. I think if it was brought out into the open more then there will be an awareness. When it happens to a child they should be able to say something bad happened to them. Not internalize it. Or feel like they did something wrong. If they can tell someone what happened to them when it happens. They will get the proper care and counseling right away. Unfortunately it ends up not getting resolved. No justice for what has been taken from us. It’s such an awful thing that it’s kept in the dark.

id: 474425 - Text: @nyoshabrown7266  stop spreading internet bullshit. I personally know a guy who sexually abused his grand daughters and he's doing 40 years without parole. Things have changed.

id: 474430 - Text: Not only do we refuse to address it, we all but allow it. The sexualization of children through television, fashion, and pop culture is rampant. We allow shows like "Toddlers and Tieras" and "Dance Moms," which shows young girls dressed like hookers squirming and dancing like grown women. I was actually surprised at the uproar over the Netflix movie "Cuties." The other problem is the lack of mental health services for people with pedophilic tendencies. Believe it or not, most of these people just want to be normal. However, the outright hatred directed towards people who haven't even committed a crime keeps them in the shadows and prevents them from receiving the intervention they need BEFORE the hurt someone.

id: 474431 - Text: As a recovering heroin addict, I can assure you that at least half of the other addicts I knew were sexually abused. Most of the rest were physically or emotionally abused, or neglected. Or all of those combined. There's a reason why people make bad life choices. Being a heroin addict is not enjoyable, it's hell. The same goes for alcoholism, or many other addictions. I wish more people could understand the connection. The cycle. There's just so much pain there, it's not just going to dissipate when a kid turns 18. Man, I wish you could explain what these experiences do to you inside.... but you can't. No one can understand, and you end up a failure because you can't conform to the way the world works.
