31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 551153 - Text: Quite frankly she seems more annoyed and ashamed to be called out on camera, than fearful... Very disheartening. Also makes you wonder what exactly she is annoyed by that she isn't saying. There's obviously much more going on and Mark's behaviour is very shady. You don't throw thousands of dollars everyday to an acquaintance that you are helping, you don't drive by their apt every day by accident, you don't ask for a key to let yourself in while they are not in (wtf????) regardless of the situation. also the focus of the interview is her betraying him by staying with the pimp and giving him mark's money. Very self centered video. Zero mention of the kids. Makes you also wonder why someone actually does what he says he does ultimately. The line between exploiting these people for self affirmation or ulterior motives and social experiment gets VERY blurry to say the least.

id: 551181 - Text: It's extremely sad that she admitted how bad pimps treat her and how she degrades herself and gets no money in return and then she goes right back to it. She doesn't look at peace like she did in the last video. Her walls are up, her heart is cold and she looks and feels trapped. It's sad because she is not trapped but she probably could use a ton of counseling to change the belief patterns that convince her to keep returning to this life. She is believing a lie or a pack of lies because this isn't a good life and she knows it. I pray she realizes there is hope and at this point only God can help her. 🙏🏼

id: 551197 - Text: I left a comment on her previous video but now I retract it. Poor Mark.

id: 551219 - Text: Leaving that lifestyle isn't impossible The God of the universe made a way through Jesus.. I've seen alcoholics, drug addicted and prostitutes get healed ,saved and freed I still see struggle with love ones but it's all a process of wanting to take the nessary steps and letting go praying a m d trusting God to do the rest plant the seed then let God grow it ...soo thankful for these videos the God I serve will bless you greatly man and will deliver a free asisha and all these woman and their family's

id: 551241 - Text: Just wondering why the affiliated to a gang money manager would go on camera ? Wondering if it is for fame within his circle, worldly fame, money or total disregard that if ever he has any more encounters with the law this video will be discourteous

id: 551247 - Text: I believe she would have to be taken out of that environment all together. Her mind is young and impressionable. She cannot stay in that place and be given money without consistent checking up on her and making sure she’s going to follow through and stay completely away. She has to literally run away. I kind of expected it to happen when he said in one of the other videos that pimps were reaching out to him and she said people were reaching out to her. I love the help he’s giving but for a young woman in this situation in my opinion i believe she needs to be completely removed and re-established. But that’s my opinion.

id: 551268 - Text: I’ve made comment on videos about you helping people. People gave commented to me and having a crack at me about you don’t make money. Either your funds from your channel or go fund me you have obviously made bad choices. So many more choices to move funds around to help a person. Gang members of any weight isn’t worth it. So many people in skid row worth support rather than gang girls because they’re gang till death.

id: 551279 - Text: I wonder what the chances are that she can go down a good, healthy, and self sustaining path. I know it is so so slim. It seems like the only way you would be able to change people like this is to follow them around and guide them all day everyday for years. and the hardest part is that she has relationships and fits in with all of the people similar to her. So to leave that lifestyle would be to leave all of your "friendships" and her boyfriend behind. And I don't know how realistic that is because I don't know if the human mind can reason that. It would seem much more painful to leave this lifestyle than to stay in it in her head. With people like this it almost seems like complete luck for them to turn things around. If she is trying to escape a painful way of living, but it is emotionally more difficult to leave the situation, she will never change. So it's like she needs to have specific external events for anything to change although I could say that about anyone in any situation I guess. A quote that this video reminded me of is "When you realize how difficult it is to change yourself, you will realize it is almost impossible to change someone else" not word for word, and also it is possible, but this story of asriah shows why. Hopefully her kids turn out right. There is always hope for her. it is a shame the world some people are brought into.

id: 551280 - Text:  @Camzeyy  I don't understand the point in helping people like her. Many people who have tried getting addicts out of this lifestyle have shared similar experiences. It's extremely common, and its' the same story over and over, but people never learn. Most addicts are a lost cause. People like the one in this video are too far gone to be saved. Life is not a hollywood film. Happy endings aren't a thing for addicts. Well, that's not entirely true. They do feel happy for a slight moment when they die because the fentanyl dose is so strong.

id: 551301 - Text: So she’s hustling you even in this video and you are lost in the attempt and the want to fix her to save her. You say “he’s controlling you isn’t he”. She knows exactly what she is doing. It’s unfortunately who she is and she won’t change unless she really wants to. She doesn’t want to.
