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id: 474471 - Text: ​ @Belovelyava Israelis are creating these pedophiles with their remote mind control weapons to molest children for trauma based mind control remotely human trafficking people into not only promiscuity to destroy civilization but also into the sex trades for making money. 🤑

id: 474472 - Text: ​ @JonJonJonJonJonJonJonJon  Israelis are creating these pedophiles with their remote mind control weapons to molest children for trauma based mind control remotely human trafficking people into not only promiscuity to destroy civilization but also into the sex trades for making money. 🤑

id: 474476 - Text: Define "child abuse"... didn't we all have some hard times, discipline, or corrections NEEDED... now it is "abuse"... I dont buy there neatinous childish voice... so many boyfriends, and remind me again, WHO chooses if there is sex or not in a relationship?? Who chose those boyfriends?? who chose to remain in porn?? she puts a slant on EVERYTHING as a victim... give me a break.

id: 474481 - Text:  @jenna.5428  Pedophiles are not created through sexual repression. SA is a product of anger, control, and disregard for others and their boundaries. Education is the key, not necesarily greater sexual freedom. SA occurs in every society.

id: 474495 - Text: Correction. It only exists in religious families. And that's because the way religions vilifies sex and makes people feel guilty for having natural sexual desires. Sex is like food. Without food you die. Without sex your species dies. Sex is a hardwired necessity for all living things, like food. Just like food can create eating disorders, when food is vilified, religions create catastrophic sex disorders. Thus men, and some women, who were raided and damaged psychologically about their sexuality, end up caving in to desires, but it's not so easy to go for an adult woman, or man, so they go for kids who can't defend themselves. The way Judeo/Christian religions treat human sexuality is catastrophic, and nonsensical because nowhere does Jesus or God say sex is bad. In fact the bible is clear, "go forth and multiply".

id: 474497 - Text:  @nunceccemortiferiscultu7826  Yeah, it seem to me it's just a "go to" thing. You say it and no one asks anything more. I had "sexual abuse" as a child and have also been raped many times but I don't think that has any bearing on the choices I've made and how my life turned out. I often wonder if I'm wrong that it had little effect on me just because everyone seems to think it's such a big deal 🤷‍♀

id: 474503 - Text:  @nyoshabrown7266  "Ron DeSantis signed a bill Monday allowing for the death penalty for child rapists, setting up a potential Supreme Court challenge. The bill, which will become law Oct. 1, makes sexual battery of a person under 12 a capital crime. May 2, 2023." (Google.) That is just Florida, though.

id: 474529 - Text: Ex porn actress who suffered sexual abuse too.see the pattern?

id: 474550 - Text: Um, he routinely says to abuse & incest survivors 'so you were having sex with...(whoever)'. It's rape, not 'having sex' if you were abused.

id: 474551 - Text:  @sarahholland2600  - I wholeheartedly agree. I was speaking only about interview style. The distinction between consensual and non-consensual sex is indeed important. My apologies for not noticing that Mark doesn’t always choose his words correctly all the time. Good point.
