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id: 474554 - Text:  @christmastree6817  - From Yale university, “Yale uses the term “non-consensual sex” to describe a range of behaviors that fall within the University’s broad definition of sexual misconduct. This definition requires clear and unambiguous consent to each activity at every stage of a sexual encounter. Moreover, Yale applies a “preponderance of the evidence” standard (a lighter burden of proof than the “beyond a reasonable doubt” criminal standard) to determine misconduct. In this way Yale is able to — and does — impose discipline for improper conduct that would not meet a criminal standard.” There IS a difference between rape and non consensual sex acts. NCSex can include other things besides penetration. But, I believe penetration, however slight, is integral to the legal term ‘rape’. Also, thanks for noticing my condescension. I would hate to think I wasn’t clear enough after apologizing 3-4 times for simple word choices, which I turned out to be right about. See, now I have to apologize for ending a sentence with a preposition. Damn, is there no end to my faults? People have said so, many times. Seriously, I don’t wish to fight with you about semantics. I actually strive every day towards making my corner of the internet a more civil place. So here is a REAL apology for being snarky. I’m sorry. Please. Do have a nice rest of the day. I hate fighting with people. I’ll leave with a quote from Yeats, “The best lack all conviction, while the worst are filled with passionate intensity.”

id: 474555 - Text:  @sarahholland2600  rape is not a good word to say to someone who endured a trauma. "having sex" is neutral.

id: 474611 - Text: Classic presentation of child sexual trauma. She has absolutely no protective instincts at all. Assumes all responsibility for what has happened to her. Dismisses her needs regularly. She continually confuses her desire to be a wife/mother with the work exploitation. Seems to not have a lot of self-awareness even at this point. Her emotive reactions to what she is sharing is so beyond sad.

id: 474618 - Text: Are there any porn star women who don't have childhood and/or family trauma? Seriously. I'm ok with adults doing what they want with their bodies and sex lives but considering these women all seem to have similar stories. None of it is good.

id: 474636 - Text: Every 9 minutes evidence is found, substantiated or a claim of abuse is entered by child protective services etc, 1:9 girls and 1:53 boys are sexually abused before adulthood. Young girls are 4x more likely to be sexually assualted than the general population. An adult survivor of childhood sexual abuse is 4x more likely to form a drug dependancy or addiction. 4x more likely to have ptsd and 3x more likely to have severe depression episodes in adulthood. This isn't mentioning that out of about 1000 sexual abuse cases an average of around 300 are reported.

id: 474653 - Text: I was with this till the end when the interviewer started with that victim-blaming closing statement - it's obvious that from an early age this girl would say no to (or try to fight off), the "men you don't want to attract", and they wouldn't listen. This is a problem a lot of women (and men, and queer folk) have, and its not because they go out of their ways to present themselves as sexual - the problem is that people out there perceive them as sexual, or decide that they must be sexually available (because they're pretty, or small, or have long hair, or they hit puberty early, or cant run fast enough, or whatever reason a rapist comes up with in their own mind), and these women and girls are left afterwards having to lean how to survive... this is obviously how this woman learned to survive, given her circumstances and her options. It's not her fault generations of shitty men looked at her and thought "hey, she's pretty, she must be down with what i want to do to her". "Learning not to attract bad men" has fuck all to do with it - when you're backed into a corner by a sexual predator bigger and stronger than you, and there is no one protecting you, your presentation doesn't mean shit. Jeeeeeze.....

id: 474706 - Text: Her comment about how the sexually abusive kids seemed to be drawn to her...same with me...I always seemed to run into that, was molested by multiple kids....who were obviously abused themselves...

id: 474725 - Text: I admire how supportive the ex-bf was aka actor aka double-faced secret keeper aka „what will you do?“ (when love is based on hikes in exchange to sexual favours in the you do when you don‘t love/care for someone)...or the producer who „had a fantasy“... bless her for getting the blessings she asked for ✨🙏🏻

id: 474769 - Text: "sex work is empowering" / crazy feminists....god I HATE feminists...

id: 474774 - Text:  @vprice509  you can't conflate every day "give and take" for soul crushing sexual abuse. Doing so is a false equivalence. It lets abusers off the hook, and gives voyeurs, who fuel the damage, an out. You end up at nihilism: "Nothing means anything."
