31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 551697 - Text: Her first video broke my heart. This one does too, because she's clearly at the mercy of an evil man who could most likely kill her and her kids without a second thought. Unfortunately she's clearly just not very bright. I still wish her the best, but the odds look even worse now.

id: 551713 - Text: In the past I thought your channel was just about prurient interests. I know better after watching this video. I hate to admit this about myself, but I very seldom give money to YouTube personalities. I say seldom because i have in the past but more often avoid it. Had I known that Mark does this — tries to help these people out — I would have donated before today. I want to help as well. Thank you Mark for what you do.

id: 551726 - Text: I have to say that I’m really disappointed in her. Throughout this video she looks completely intimidated by ”fly”. I wish there was something else we as a group could do to bring her out of that life. I’m sure he’s making her turn tricks again, and he’s taking all the money. All I want to say to him is something I’ve seen proven throughout my entire life, and that is just to tell him that “Karma IS a bitch” and it might take a little time to find him, but it will.

id: 551732 - Text: in her first video, she said "don't trust anyone". this is why. she played everybody.

id: 551742 - Text: We dont know the whole story her attitude in this video has definitely changed tho and i believe the fact she was also under spotlight for a while also put her more at risk. She is surely afraid to be alone and she is seeking the wrong attention. Some people are just easy to manipulate and someone w a broken home and no one to love on the daily is an easy target. I’ll definitely be praying for her because she’s definitely being controlled

id: 551799 - Text: I watched a short video where a prison inmate was explaining his motto "GABOS." "Game Ain't Based on Sympathy," he was certainly abused as a child, shown no mercy, and had now completely cut off all ability to empathize with others so now he uses them and abuses them in the prison system, extorting weaker inmates to get money out of their family so he doesn't hurt them. This guy reminds me of him. He absolutely doesn't care what he is doing to Asriah and is perfectly fine lying that he is helping her get out of the lifestyle and allowing you to make excuses for him about how other people are to blame. And Asriah is no less responsible. She could have taken the gift of a new life but instead, she went back out, stayed addicted to the money, drugs, and men, and her kids will be left with the scars of an absent mother. The point is, each one of us has a story behind us, many of abuse, but the responsibility will always fall on each of us to stop the cycle of insanity with ourselves. I did that, and it was hard work, but worth it (I overcame alcohol addiction, came from a generationally abusive and addicted family).

id: 551861 - Text: What a total using bitch away bck to the life you chose over what this kind man tried to do for you. You don't give a fuck about your kids I hope cps see this, remove them and you NEVER see them again they're better off forgetting you exist. I wondered in the last few videos how she affords to always have her nails gun and she's a pure hustler don't blame just the guy. Before anyone jumps all over me I've been in her shoes and got out of it without being given thousands of dollars everytime I demanded it from a decent guy who was trying to help me. Shame on her!

id: 551883 - Text: I was following up for awhile all I can say is she messed up big time.Mark you've done your best God will bless you continue on with the videos hopefully someone can change for the better.

id: 551916 - Text: I think she was trying to have/show no care, no pain. But I saw pain in her face, a wall that was going up and down and the recent healing of a black eye or cut on HER left eye socket/cheek area. I felt that she wanted to talk or cry at one point, looking off to her left but trying to maintain the armor wall. When he suggested bringing the pimp in and while he was there, her gaze shifted almost always to her right, away from her pimp and her demeanor changed to f this. At that point I felt her vibe as pissed and I’m going to get beat for this. I get why the interviewer wanted to do this follow up, but the girl already let the wolf in the door or maybe the wolf beat the damn door in? There’s no upside for her in doing this update video - guilt of playing someone who tried to help her ; she was probably forced to go for the money, and she will probably catch a lot of hell/beating for the interview. It’s a life I can’t begin to think I know anything about. I just pray for her safety and her future. 🙏

id: 551920 - Text: You can see she looks different from the second video too. I really hoped she stayed away from that life. This young lady needs psychological help.
