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id: 551956 - Text: This really hits home. I'm so sad over this. I can hear the pain in Mark's voice and it kills me. I had a friend in this similar situation couple years ago and I helped her multiple times and I started to realize I was being played just like you mark. It's devastating but at the same time I will still Pray for her, she looks so ashamed and she is so far in it. She feels lost I can see it in her eyes and behavior. I just remember her last video when she said Mark was her friend. It brought tears to my eyes.

id: 551976 - Text: I was wishing the best for her and her children and really hoped she could get out of that life and move forward with her children, giving them a better life. It really is heartbreaking to see this but it just shows the reality and how hard it really is to leave that life behind, when it’s been all that you know and you have been so controlled. You could see how controlled she is again by barely speaking and her whole demeanor has changed from the last video. You know in her heart she feels bad for doing Mark wrong and the people who donated money to her, but she can’t say it. Mark is probably the first person in her whole life that has never taken from her and has just given to her and wanted the best for her and her children as well, so I think that touches her deep and she does want a new life but she just doesn’t know how to walk away fully. She would probably have to move to another State to be able to try and fully break free. I hope she finds the strength to do so one day because she is worthy of a better life. I hope one day she is given another chance and helped with resources to better her life. She just has to be fully willing to change also! This really was heartbreaking to see! Wishing you strength, healing and love Asriah!! You are enough!

id: 552020 - Text: I know that he wants to help her but giving money to these people doesn't work as she hasn't learnt how to use money well. She is used to a completely different lifestyle and her mind is elsewhere. I hope that she changes her mind. If she asked for £1000 in one day that is a red flag. She looked more relaxed in her last video and I pray that she changes her walk in life.

id: 552037 - Text: So depressing to see. When you grow up in a world like that, jaded, addicted, indoctrinated, hardened, peer pressured, etc, etc, the chances of turning things around are astronomically small. Not because it's all that difficult, but because there is no experience of "normal, positive, or productive" to base a turnaround on. It's human nature to see a beautiful woman like this and see potential. The reality is, what's under that beauty lies just another jaded, hardened, peer pressured addict who doesn't know what right looks like. I don't know WTF you were thinking giving those sums of money to her. Obviously you were way too emotionally invested and that clouded your judgement. The pain, disappointment, and heartbreak in your voice is all over this video. Keep up these great productions and be careful. This project is an important documentary of America.

id: 552063 - Text: Fly is an animal and not even worth the time on this video. Anyone who takes advantage of women like that is a coward.

id: 552081 - Text: I kinda called this situation at the very beginning of this "relationship". I used to be in this biz running security for similar types of ladies, dealers and collecting debts outstanding. I left the Army after decades of kicking down doors and had the talent for the work. It was good money and I got my rush fix so it was a good fit. I also got free speed too out of the deal but had little interest in the women in this trade no matter what they looked like or their story. Back off, not going to happen lady. 🙄 Like anything unhealthy you cant help someone out of their own shit of their "own making". They have been groomed and conditioned into this life style and they completely see things through a different lense by design. They just don't see it and that's the point here. The victimizer/pimp/boyfriend saw something in her from the start and used it. Your merely a mark (no pun intended) and a means to an end on both accounts. Make no single mistake. The only reason any of these interviews went down is because the pimp "willed it"! Normally you can get yourself hurt or killed getting this kind of close to their women. They are property like anything else to them and they have zero tolerance for this kinda of "interventions" to help them. You only just upped her market value with this installment on her. This "IS" their normal base line and it is just the way it is. The interviewer here either fell in love with her just a little bit to a certian degree, her hard luck story or how he can be her hero getting her out of the life. Probably all three. That is just never going to happen in almost all cases just like any toxic addictions as well which is usually a big part of the equation too. It is a very, very complicated dynamic. I have seen this a million times. That is why most security tells clients to back off either plainly or on the down low for their own good. But unfortunately many times there just is no getting through to guys like this (sorry Mark because I know your heart may be in the right place here) here looking in from the out side thinking they have all the answers. Shocking part is it is mostly because they normally see a little of themselves in the person they are trying to save. Get out Mark and get out now. If she hits the bottom she will find here OWN way out but usually it is in prison or death as their final release. Great video though. Love your work.

id: 552099 - Text: No, that violent pimp saw Marks video, found her, and made her get money out of him. And she can't even explain herself because if she does, the pimp will kill her. Are you really that stupid, or do you just want to believe she is bad?

id: 552109 - Text:  @Knowledgematters32  BINGO! She even says in the video, "I mean, he isn't a bad person but..." but this "violent pimp" contacted her....riiiiight. 🙄 Mark got swindled through and through. End of the fckn story.

id: 552116 - Text: She is so uncomfortable in this video. Clearly she is stuck and controlled. This is so sad.

id: 552126 - Text: Watching this and seeing the comments just proves how much people don't understand about mental health. Throwing money at a person who has never known anything, but abuse, trauma, and exploitation cannot magically flip a switch & make them a normal member of society. The best thing that could have been done was inpatient rehab and long term counseling, and even then, she would have probably relapsed back into drugs & the life multiple times. Not because she's stupid or a bad person but because her brain is wired to think & function in those ways for survival. Anyone with a dimes worth of psychology training knows that all of these experiences and drug addiction rewires your brain. It's all she understands. Now either the producer of this video knows that, and wanted this to happen because it's salacious entertainment or he is incredibly naïve. Which makes me question if this is real at all or paid actors.
