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id: 475132 - Text: I also want to be a mum and a wife. I never came close to even having a boyfriend. The two men who I only ever kissed just wanted to f’;k. I never let them and so now I’m isolated, alone and 40. I never had sex with anyone. I’m glad. I’m also glad that I didn’t have children I’m this cruel world.

id: 475152 - Text: Because he wet to the strip club. SMH not every guy in the strip club is in there paying for sexual fravors. You probably missed your one true chance at love.

id: 475166 - Text: In Divine Comedy the hell is divided into 9 divisions based on graduation of wickedness and descension of love, the 9th division is the place of betrayal where Satan is for his treachery against God. A child sexual abuse is the ultimate betrayal , violation of human connection to an innocent child . Child abusers are at the bottom of the hell paying for the worst sin . The inscription on the gate of Dante’s Hell says “Abandon all hope ye who enter here...” .... I am not a revengeful person but I think that’s what they deserve

id: 475259 - Text: We become stunted in our development at the age abuse starts, especially sexual abuse. These interviews are a clear testament to that. I would venture to say that 90% or more of sex workers/prostitutes have been molested/raped. Large percentage become drug addicts as a result.

id: 475276 - Text: Porn is a euphemism. We should call it sexual abuse imagery. Consent has nothing to do with the fact that it’s abuse. Also, men gradually breaking women down and pushing their boundaries is the common denominator between all these stories of ex-prostitutes/performers.

id: 475287 - Text: She acts and talks like she’s 5 years old. She’s still a little girl. She hasn’t ever identified what’s right and wrong nor has she tried to develop herself into her adult body. She either chose to Not grow up and make adult decisions or she literally has clinical mental issues. Wants to be taken care of like Daddy did. She really gotta grow up. Love is not #Daddy. Sex isn’t sustaining enough, everyone has genitals and many attractive people. People need to stop “selling” themselves short, that’s why any sex industry isn’t respected by anyone,,, even #men.babe. F-ed up.

id: 475328 - Text: Being a woman is hard. Most just go with the flow and we hear music that degrades us. It is all sex or nothing. I'm with my bf now raising his 2 boys who all act like woman are just for their looks. It bothers me greatly but I cannot win. So I just stay respectful of myself care for my pets and show that a real woman can be beautiful but not sell herself. It is tough though!! Living in a world where woman are to feel special just by the way they look

id: 475340 - Text:  @sarah.j.777  never read such a self absorbed narcissistic comment. OK Karen all men are staring at you....but believe me it's not because you're in any way attractive. They nudge each other and go look...its that lunatic again that hates men and thinks we are all about to sexually assault her because of her amazing outstanding beauty. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 get a grip Karen

id: 475348 - Text:  @brianwilliams9500  Yes there is a change happening. More and more men are waking up, this video just proofs again that some pretty girl, no matter her choices or bad previous behavior still gets love and attention compared to if a man said the same story. No more gentlemen. No more manners. No more protection. No handyman, no car help, your PC, your internet...No more paying for dinner on dates. No more compliments of your beauty (don't want to be a sexist you know), no more desire for marriage and taking risks beyond any benefit for the man. No more working all the shit life-shortening jobs. No more fighting for women, they are strong and independent, you go ladies. No more fighting in stupid wars to protect your even stupider lifestyle of self-indulgence with my tax payer money.

id: 475378 - Text:  @pinupgirl9160  I don’t think he’s putting her down but, that little girl cadence in her voice is a common sign in a person with a history of sexual abuse.
