31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 552136 - Text: This girl looks lost..Although Mark is helping her money wise, it doesn't buy a decent mother or the love she should have received as a child..Men were and are using her from an early age.. She probably intended on living a decent life but got swept up from the attention she got from these videos. She's still young and will take ''love'' wherever she can find it. It will be a long time before she leaves this life but i fear men will always control her..She doesn't know anything else.I wish Asriah the best in life and wont throw stones at her because God knows she has copped a lot of that in her young life..That guy she is with now is in the exact place as her. Good luck to both of you.

id: 552142 - Text: When I saw the first interview I saw Azriah being herself. Talking, expressing, the second video she was contemplating. This last video she is realizing the bad decision she has made. She is stuck in a world she didn't ask to be a part of. Mark is backing out because his safety is on the line and his pockets. Well if Mark is running how do you think it feels for a 23 year old girl. She probably getting threats on her kids her life all day everyday. He was right about one thing though... Time for her to call law enforcement. She can still get out but it's going to take money, support, and her desire to take the leap. But trust me she is not choosing this.

id: 552151 - Text: K I've watched all videos with this story. Interviewer is a weirdo for sure. Why give her that much cash? Some weird questions as well. I dunno.

id: 552186 - Text: This poor man was nothing but a mark for this girl I actually felt bad for her in his first video with her. Don’t let this change who u are helping ppl. There are ppl out there that would be grateful for your help.

id: 552229 - Text: People will really take advantage of someone and that’s sad. He never have to help anyone out after these videos but the fact he do, and they use him is so sad, and unfortunate.

id: 552234 - Text: Wow I watched the 1st video i felt so sorry for her. Now this changed my wiev. This man this Mark. Unbelievable. I don't even know what to say. How can this girl betray someone like this Mark. Mark if you read this ...i dont think you do. But give your love to someone who deserves it or appreciate it. Don't get fooled by the beauty of a female body.

id: 552257 - Text: Dam… I automatically assume things will go this route when I seen her first video. I hate being right about these things.😓 God help us all..

id: 552268 - Text: Her whole attitude, demeanor, and the way she spoke changed since the second video. It's a dang shame, because of all the help folks tried to give her.

id: 552302 - Text: Everyone knows there are people who are just good. They're good hearted and have good intentions and try their best to never hurt or even inconvenience other people. But on the flip side of that, there's a hard truth that a lot of people don't want to acknowledge- some people are just not good people. They're selfish, uncaring, and have a total lack of empathy for others. I'm not even saying which camp these two folks in this video fall into, I'm just saying there are some people who don't want to be better. They don't care. They'll swipe money out of the donation box for a kid dying of cancer. They'll trip an old lady to get to the last seat on the bus first. They'll knock an old man in the back of the head to steal the 11 dollars in his pocket. Or even on the lesser scale they're the ones who'll betray you for almost nothing, smile to your face then talk sh*t behind your back, only come to you when they need something.... They're just not good people and they just don't care about anything. You can argue as to why or how they got that way- maybe they were abused, had a rough childhood, have a drug problem, were abandoned, were bullied in school, you name it. And while it is true that some of these people do have the desire and the capacity to change, if given the proper tools, there are many who don't. You could give them a house and a car and a job and 10 grand in the bank and they'd burn it all down in 6 months and then come back for more- either by giving a sob story, trying a scam, or straight up threatening you. Maybe it's self sabotage, who knows. I just know that there is a certain portion of the population who are just not good people and will never change.

id: 552364 - Text: Marks actually acting like a groomer himself, just remember, mark was upset she had a boyfriend staying with her, and he was more mad aboutvthat then the fact her kids werent even with her... marks literally grooming her and she sees through it, mark made 10s of thousands of of this girl and is continuing do so as long as his videos stay up of her, so its marks fault..
