58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 475490 - Text: It's confusing cause he preached and teaches us one thing but does another --- it's an image to maintain being a Preacher--- usually some super heavy shit is going on In the lives of these preachers a lot of them are guys turning their lives around or guys who live and breathe church and also usually preach against same sex relationships, porn, cheating cussing and all that but if you could just for like a few days see their lives as a fly on the wall - Oh damn you'll be mind blown

id: 475527 - Text: They always play victim when the money runs out. Truth is women like that men want them sexually because they can exploit us for money and resources. When you get down to it most relationships are an exchange of intimacy and sex for resources

id: 475554 - Text: All she wanted was a husband & child. The societal and familial constructs that have existed for centuries have, since the 60's been eroded. Hypergamy is particularly damaging to young women as their oxytocin (pair bonding) mechanism is for biological/ evolutionary reasons much stronger than that of men. So her first love cast her aside and there was neither family nor community to substitute. Its tragic. Sexual liberation is not freedom. It's slavery.

id: 475624 - Text: All these poor woman have been deprived of Love and protection, So sad . She’s a Beautiful, Sweat Woman feeling she’s owes something to these sexual Deviant Punk Men. She has no idea that she must love herself first. The Bible could give her the guidance she needs

id: 475631 - Text: How do kids even know those things at 1st grade? Caz it's bloody America.... this country sexualizes everything, of caz including children. Change ur cultural practices. I'm sure how women are treated will eventually change.. I'm an Asian, Singaporean... not telling ya'll to cover women up... stop the porn industry, stop the sexualisation of young girls on tv ... I'm sure things will change..women will be respected and in turn protected... it's not rocket science...

id: 475675 - Text: I hate to say it but I feel that this is such a masque. This naive, super innocent so ashamed of sexuality... it feels like how she thinks she’s supposed to feel about sex and it’s so sad that she can’t just own it. It creates so much distance from herself. Wild, naughty, freaky... if she could just own it she would be so empowered but clearly she isn’t comfortable with herself

id: 475677 - Text: Her dad sounds so GROSS. Dads in general who act like their daughters body and virginity belong to them are GROSS. if you just taught your daughter that her body belongs to her, and not anyone else, she may have had a healthier view of sex.

id: 475693 - Text:  @junglistgrrl  he was an absent, alcoholic fixated on her sexuality and fighting with her mum

id: 475697 - Text: No, teaching them "that it belongs to her" won't help. She'd be as much of a pros that way too. Teaching your daughter that sex isn't just a physical act to be shared with random folks is important. If you love her, you'll educate her.

id: 475702 - Text: I can really relate and it’s so awful to have attention paid to you sexually when you’re young. Especially if it’s so young it changes your whole perception of what’s right from wrong sexually. Plus once you’re abused others tend to follow suit. Took a lot of counseling for me.
