31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 552746 - Text: Mark. From someone who knows people like this girl in your video, please don’t throw your money away like that ever again. The amounts you were talking about giving her, hundreds a day. Like dude.. You’re a really good guy, i can relate to being a good guy, but this is too much. You were a dollar sign from day one. Look in her eyes man. I absolutely love this channel and what your doing, but this shit, your gonna get hurt. I hear it in your voice you know that. Be careful Mark. - Nick

id: 552760 - Text: That’s bullshit that they can’t go get a job. As long as fools and johns continue to give them thousands of dollars per week based on these stupid videos, they will take that path of less resistance.

id: 552772 - Text: Oh myyyy lord Mark got her an apartment too?! Damn this girl played him so hard….i knew all the comments on her part 1 video was BS. Y’all underestimate how well these girls know how to work people, coming across as something they’re not in order to get what they want

id: 552789 - Text: I'm sure she wanted to cry and tell him how sorry she is but she can't because her pimp would see the video and think she was being more loyal to mark than him

id: 552797 - Text: 3, 4 minutes in, i'm just stunned at your degree of naïveté at your age. you're giving hundreds of dollars daily to somebody who had been a homeless addict, etc etc etc and you thought this was a person psychologically prepared to instantly change her entire life with the very minor shift of being handed a lot of money? you're saying you've done this with a lot of girls in her situation. girls? you mean women?? why only girls/women? at some point, maybe it comes later in this video, but i highly doubt it based on having watched many of your videos, you will actually have to face your own deeply-rooted ignorance, sexism, and stunning confusion. money solves immediate practical problems - that's it. money does not revolutionize and reverse decades of trauma and destructive character development within days or weeks. take some accountability at some stage, if you possibly can, for your own truly ridiculous irresponsibility and narcissism.

id: 552831 - Text: She is so different from the last video.

id: 552852 - Text: Mark stay getting played by these women. I honestly don't think she is being controlled by this man, when she didn't even apologize for using Mark. Asriah didn't even mumble a word of sorrow for what she had done, which lets me know that there was a plan in place to use him for what he had to offer. Ideally Mark moved her out of a bad neighborhood and a bad situation which also lets me know Asriah invited this lifestyle back into her life. Watching this video brought me to the conclusion that the "people's donations" was use to help her. Thousands of dollars a day to her. Sad...

id: 552894 - Text: I've watched a few of these videos, I didn't realize he was actually giving money trying to help some of these folks. Are there any success stories?

id: 552896 - Text: She is a mesmerizing woman. Very beautiful, eerily self-possessed, well-spoken despite the street accent, and seems very intelligent despite her lack of education. She will haunt me for the rest of my life. I wish Sam Baker or Andrea Arnold would get ahold of her and put her in a movie. She obviously has a powerful stage presence, her videos have millions of views. We have all fallen in love with her. I would love to help her write her book. Asriah, if you read this, please contact me. I am a writer and editor myself. Your story deserves to be told

id: 552925 - Text: Dang I’m sad for her! I was really hoping for a good update. Watching her in this video, I can just see the pain of her wanting help but can’t get out of that lifestyle. You can see it in her eyes even if she’s just being quiet and not saying much. I’m hoping she gets out of that situation 🥺
