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id: 476168 - Text: I don’t understand why so many ppl are. bothered by you not letting acquaintances get too comfortable in your home. My mom always had rose colored glasses & a hippie lifestyle, letting everyone come through. I never had a childhood or a time when I knew adults trying to have sex with kids was anything you could or should complain about. I always just thought I was a drag & “rude to family & friends”, until I got taken out of her care for being trafficked. Just got more abuse in foster care u til being discharged back to the street for complaining about it. Trust me, I get it!

id: 476255 - Text: Same with our household, nor do we allow sleep overs etc. We are firm with not sitting on laps, walking off with anyone male or female family or not! It may seem extreme but until you have gone through the trauma of being sexually abused, you truly are not in position to judge! I rather be 10 times over barring then to lax and put my kids through 5% of what I endured!

id: 476264 - Text:  @madamgroove1716  It depends on the kind of friends you have. Some guys like having friends who are more rowdy (like themselves), and those kind of guys tend to have higher testosterone levels thus they wanna have sex with anything that moves. It's not that they're necessarily 'bad' friends, they just can't help it/don't want to help it. In which case, you keep those kind of friends at arms length. I think a lot of people see friends as black or white, you're either a friend or you aren't, which totally isn't the case. There are some friends you do certain things with, and some friends you do other things with. There are some friends you can trust on some things, and some friends you can't trust on those same things. For example: If you're going to a music festival with a poor friend, and you're kind of running low on money yourself, are you going to think to yourself 'Ah well, if I run out of money to buy some food then I'm sure Jeremy will be able to buy me some'? No, you're going to think 'Hmmm, if I run out of money I sure as hell am not going to rely on Jeremy to have some extra cash on hand'. Just because Jeremy is poor doesn't mean he's a bad friend, it's just that he lacks in one certain area of which you wouldn't trust him to be able to help you out if need be.

id: 476277 - Text: My husband investigates child sexual abuse and he has never let anyone in our home or our daughters stay anywhere where boys or men live. It still didn’t help our girls. Once they got older, we couldn’t protect them and life happened. It seems as though no females are ever safe.

id: 476378 - Text: Or the wife could be sexually attracted to your buddies. Let's not forget that

id: 476384 - Text: Amazing, I love your attitude 🙏 many people here don't get you, but I totally get it. Not only because I am a female (and have not had any kind of sexual abuse thankfully...) but also because I get your point. You remove the possibility completely in the first place. By not allowing buddies into your house full of females, your under age children, you remove any doubt that your "friends" might suddenly turn on your friendship and rape one of the females. You never know anymore. You just don't know who you can trust and especially when you let them in and they gain your trust, that's when they have the advantage to do something bad. Good on you for doing this.

id: 476426 - Text: Jesus this is a bit extreme and neurotic . Granted there are sexual predators out there but you can bring your male friends over to your house lol..

id: 476491 - Text: You just explained it to yourself clearly how do you not understand? Why don't you do yourself a favor and check the registered sex offender in your neighborhood you're surrounded by them and you don't even know it

id: 476530 - Text:  @tamanthalecu8912  Nothing that has happened in your life is your fault. I was taken sexual advantage of at the young age of 5. Neighbor across the street did it because I tattle taled about something and I can tell you as a man, it entirely changed the course of my life,it is the absolutely most devastating life altering event. Positive, I can tell you that healing is real and available to you, because to be honest what caused me so much pain for so many years has turned me Into an absolutely monster in my career, ethics, and morals. I am so glad you are getting this out. I came to terms with things last year as well

id: 476534 - Text: I feel horrible for someone who has truly been raped! but I'm a 40 year old man who has had 5 sexual partners in my life. everyone of my partners were " raped" in some capacity! not saying she's lying but it's very very convenient for a women to deny her part in the act. what's truly horrible is when a poor new soul has to die due to this convenience!
