58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 49636 - Text: Abuse: abuse of substances, power, knowledge, sex. This is why humans suck. I'm so sad to hear this.

id: 49641 - Text:  @intothesurf  the justice system is Fucked up it needs to be fixed put away all these evil perverted perpetrators rapist sex offender's child abuser sex traffickers and pimps perverts make kiddie porn and watch it all need be put in bring back electric chair or gas chamber to die or in jail no parole bullshit or out on good behavior bullshit 4 life till they die if they do the crime destroy lives they do the time.

id: 49651 - Text: Traktor85--I love you for saying what you did. Trafficking and abuse of people in all kinds of vulnerable situations from children/adults who've been abused to those with disabilities (especially low cognition) is big. If people need to watch whatever, to go to Youporn and other places, even like sex clubs or whatever, where people aren't being paid!! If people are there because they are choosing to be there & are all adults, whatever--freak freely. My motto: freak freely but freak carefully and kindly.

id: 49655 - Text: I have a question and I’d greatly appreciate it if someone can enlighten me on this topic I’m about to bring up. Okay it seems like the majority of sex workers or porn starts, it seems like the majority of them were molested as minors right. I completely understand how that brings enormous mental and physical trauma to the woman who it happened to but that leads me to ask….why do they grow up to want to be hyper sexual? Like they’re prone to being either a pornstar, stripper, sex worker, etc etc. like I’m genuinely curious I’d think that they’d be terrified of sex, not want to make it a damn career. I’m seriously confused as hell.

id: 49677 - Text: Some sex workers enjoy their work. Rare but I have been on both sides, the good and the bad

id: 49715 - Text: Yes, that is the porn industry, Picking Broken make Money Out of Them, using Them sexual to make Money. They let do this with themselfes, cause they are used to it

id: 49722 - Text: In your neighborhoods, schools and work places women or children are probably being sexuality abused as we speak. The real problem is not the porn industry.

id: 49742 - Text: Frankly, I think the % of Porn performers who were abused in their youth has to have gone down over the years. It’s a career choice for a generation of current twenty-somethings who grew up watching it on the internet and would rather do that rather than flip burgers. I miss the old Times Square. Sex was still dirty back then.

id: 49745 - Text:  @dontcallmebaby  Hun, it's different because that's sex without love which affects you and society on a deeper level Let's acknowledge the truth

id: 49784 - Text: It's funny because every porn girl seems to have a husband who "accepts" her doing porn? yeah right LOL What they DON'T tell you is, these girls' husbands cheat left and right. None of them are faithful.......why would they be?? They have the ultimate "get out of jail free-cards" for cheating. Some of them even demand that their wives "bring girls home" for possible threesomes to make up for the sex she has in porn.
