31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 64681 - Text: Sending every good vibration in the universe to this girl! The 1st video broke me. This brought me back. 🖤 Wishing you all the success in the world! Stay focused! 🙏🏾 We're rooting for you!

id: 64735 - Text: Oh thank God, I’m so glad this precious girl got off the streets! Momo, you shine sweetheart!! Your first video had me in tears because you are clearly so smart, sweet, talented and kind. You have SO MUCH potential ❤️ I cannot wait to see what you do with your life, I’m going to be watching because I know you are going places kid! Keep you head up and always remember you are worthy! Love and respect yourself, and don’t accept anything other than love and respect from others. Bless you beautiful 😘

id: 64738 - Text: Ah, I didn't realize that other video was 7 months ago. THIS MAKES MY HEART SOAR. Beautiful, smart little business-woman-in-the-making. SERIOUSLY!!!! She is going to have her own shop one day. She's so brilliant and sweet and beautiful. I love this kid.

id: 64748 - Text: Thank God this is a success story this is what keeps me going what keeps me breathing at the end of the day I strive to hear people make it and hear your success story I just saw your video 2 minutes ago and I just saw your follow-up video and I in a minute or those two minutes girl I was praying and praying and girl I I'm so happy for you I want you to know that God is with you every step of the way your sister in Christ peaches

id: 64780 - Text: Damn Mark!! Y’all’s last video made me cry and now I’m crying again!! Good tears though. Momo you’re a badass. If you ever start feeling bad about anything just remind yourself of how strong you are and how you can overcome some of the toughest situations!! You’re my hero!!

id: 64788 - Text: One of the happier videos

id: 64799 - Text: Thank you for posting this WITH the first video bc my hurt was not good. Thank you for not only sharing people’s stories, but also walking with them through their journeys. ✨❤️

id: 64810 - Text: Thank god she got on the right path so proud of you Momo! Her last video was so difficult to watch! Lord please continue to protecting this young lady🙏🏾🙏🏾Amen

id: 64817 - Text: Ok 👍🏻 I just noticed a follow up video I’m glad she is doing good and I she stays away from that lifestyle

id: 64828 - Text: So proud of her ! Just watched her previous video yesterday and said she has so much potential. I also am an hair stylist and born the 31st of August!!! Virgo Nation.. #YouGoMoMo
