58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 476537 - Text:  @jcj1942  I'm very sorry at the words I said a year ago! I was going through a horrible breakup with my then partner, who claimed to me years ago that she had been raped on several occasions. When she was in a new relationship apart from me. she claimed to her new partner that I had forced myself sexually upon her!!! Which I had not! I took this anger and subjected in upon this video... I feel horrible for all the things I said! Blaming all women I'm so very sorry!!! However I think the porn industry is a monster we have to relinquish from our society.. it causes mental anguish through a physical act meant to be only cherished between the lovers involved, not for the whole world to see. I'm so very y sorry for the things I said.

id: 476551 - Text: Exposed to a lot of drunk men and her dad... dads friends son molesting her all the time... poor girl her whole childhood equates to her beauty and sexuality not her being or intellect.

id: 476557 - Text: This sucks. I can remember being about 12 I was crazy about horses, rode all the time, etc. My dad had brought these two guys home from whatever bar he'd been at and one of them made a sexual comment about riding horses. My dad jumped up and he had every intention of killing that guy. He pulled a knife and I grabbed it and he froze because he didn't want to cut me. He kept telling me to let go and I wouldn't and that man ran out the door. My dad kept trying to coax him in and I yelled through the screen door not to come back. It was really scary but he was NOT going to tolerate so much as an untoward comment about me. He's a Vietnam veteran, has no fear. He'd kill someone that hurt me if it was necessary. It was scary but those guys left thank goodnesss.

id: 476575 - Text: How do you make a sexual comment about riding horses?

id: 476664 - Text: Was Christ around when she was on the bed being raped? Was he there when she was being forced to give oral sex forcefully? I'm just curious where he was and if he was there the entire time why did he wait for all that devastation to happen before he interveined?

id: 476720 - Text: She broke at one point and asked "how does a kid know about sex at that age?" Her own story is one the many possible answers to that question.

id: 476722 - Text: So childlike in her quest to find love. She is lucky she wasn't murdered by an online date. I feel her dad had sexually abused her.

id: 476752 - Text: I sadly knew about sex from the age of 7. Found my step-dads Playboys. That was in 1991. Then, in 96, I found my dad's tapes that he had. I got stuck on porn for most of my teenage years, and again in my lane 20's through my 30's, but I was using it as am escape from my mental problems. I came from an extremely broken, narcissist family. Abused by my dad and step-dad, and abandoned by my mom to my dad, so sex and porn were my release go to's. It really messed with my perception of girls growing up. This kind of stuff really pulls me away from wanting to look at porn. She is such a sweet person. I'm glad she is doing well now! Trauma is very difficult to overcome, and she seems to have done it!

id: 476758 - Text: T Mack All you can not compare men abusing women to women who choose to have multiple sexual partners lmfao

id: 476768 - Text: Its not minimizing its the truth and dont be acting like there isnt women abusers of children both sexes sin and women arent the only victim lots of boys and men have also been raped or molested in fact men are the most raped we should shun the rapist and molesters not an entire sex like a lot of feminist do
