31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 553149 - Text: I think this is the saddest video of them all. I was truly rooting for this girl and it’s just so devastating to know she went right back to this lifestyle. Life can be hard but she had a choice to get out. Hopefully she wakes up and tells herself she deserves better, she deserves more, and her kids deserve a good life with their mother. Thank you Mark and keep on trying please! Such BS that her ‘Bf’ tried to say he is “trying to help get her out of the life- OH and the money goes to him, the kids and her - sometimes.” No one believes those lies. Looking at her just makes me so sad and mad for her. I hope she wakes up and realizes her worth.

id: 553156 - Text: Nah most of you are blind to the plan. Mark just did one of the single most important things he could do in this situation. He documented the interaction and laid out every piece of the situation beautifully. No threats all around, Mark simply documented an interrogation and got a confession, then withdrew his involvement with both of them. Asriah admitted to giving the money to Fly, not a crime. Mark made the point that she couldn’t talk about it or she could be harmed because Fly watches the videos. She all but agreed to that. Fly then confessed to taking the money and that he’s basically her pimp, a criminal, a gang member, and he’s had a history of doing this. Mark proved potential motive against Fly in case anything is to happen to Asriah or her kids. A final helping hand.

id: 553196 - Text: you all watched the video. he said she was being controlled and she couldn’t even agree because she would get in trouble. so if she has “attitude” it’s to protect herself from getting hurt because of her responses. in her first interview i think when she didn’t have a pimp and she wasn’t covering for NOBODY so she said everything and anything. he even mentioned that other girls deny having a pimp to begin with. look at her body language when he comes in and he is the ONLY ONE who answers once he’s in the room. i have a boyfriend who grew up in the hood and he was fortunate enough to leave it and not fall into the gang life. he tells me all the time how hard it is. if you haven’t had the slightest clue what she’s has even been through, then don’t say anything at all. it’s easy to say she’s a manipulator and used mark, but that’s just victim blaming. she’s the one being controlled and manipulated. her pimp could have told her to ask for more money from mark or he would hurt her kids. what is she supposed to do in that situation? let her kids get beat and blame herself for it? everyone really needs to stop being so closed minded and image walking in someone else’s shoes.

id: 553203 - Text: I don't think mark felt betrayed, i wouldn't feel it that way, just a money misuse, so the whole end twists, and then is not worth to keep helping that person. He made this video to us, the audience, so we know what's going on with the money, and further mark's decision, because again, there was a money misuse.

id: 553205 - Text: I’m confused because doesn’t Mark make money from these videos also , when he films these girls and they go viral he earns money right . Shouldn’t he have given her money anyways because it was her story that he earned money from ?

id: 553227 - Text: That was such a hard video to watch. She doesn't have a financial problem she has a spiritual problem. Even she is disappointed in herself 😢 Thank you for sharing such a personal video. Don't lose heart. You will figure out a way of providing an efficient and stronger system of helping. 💕

id: 553234 - Text: I'm back. I was thinking, and hoping. Well I just want to say I hope she watches this a couple times and in a year we hear from her saying she has since been totally straight edge, and away from everyone west coast because of the shame in this video.

id: 553250 - Text: It seems like he shames her while he takes all this weird accountability for helping her, and then confronting her on video. YOUR A COWARD

id: 553270 - Text: Ive been watching your videos for a long time now and i think your a great person!! And honeslty dont ever stop !! You shouldnt give these people money.... get them what they need instead. Especially a drug attic... i mean its kind of common sense the money wouldnt go to something good even if they say.

id: 553271 - Text: Dude..... are you kidding me? you know what this is? you know what this sounds like to me? you are GETTING played dude- she doesnt give a FUCK about you (which by this interview is CLEARLY evident that there is more towards your intentions other then just to help her- ) you are gettting hustled. period. And why the hell would you think that you could or would have some sort of romantic thing with a girl like that anyway? stay in your lane dude. you sound like a creepy old lonbely desperate john paing this girl to love you. wake up dude. you wasted thousands of peoples dollars trying to love this girl-- what is wrong with you? you give her ALL THAT mone- its obvious. then you buy her an apartment and drive by her house and get the key from the manager "to pee".... you sound lke a scorned lover. but you ARENT. this video was embaressing for you and your cause
