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id: 476872 - Text: She said she was "EXPOSED TO HER DAD AND OTHER MEN". He probably touched her inappropriately. She keeps saying negative things and includes her dad in the comment. She is a child mentally, there was sexual trauma IN HER HOUSE. It almost sound like Stockholm Syndrome, her captor was her Dad. Listen to her closely. She wanted out her house at 17, wanted a husband and baby. Husband would've een her protector, against Dad. Ijs....

id: 476875 - Text: Uhm, seems like she just doesn't want to acknowledge that her dad was also sexually abusive. So odd to hear someone speak about their life as if they're telling a strangers story.

id: 476878 - Text: At the very beginning when she is talking about how her dad threatened to kill anyone who touched her, she did an excellent job of describing how victims will police themselves around people who seem to not be in control of their own emotions about something that didn't happen to them. just a point of thought when talking with someone you know that may be sexually assaulted.

id: 476906 - Text: She is a prime example of why women need sex-based rights and protections

id: 476933 - Text: any logical person knows shes telling the truth, the people trying to victim blame her are those who have done something questionable themselves. there are men who will hug a little too long, they grope women on trains, they watch porn excessively and think roofies and drugging women is 'funny'. men work hard to silence victims of sexual assault, they need their silence to do anything. if women everywhere shared their stories, identified who molested them and when, men would panic

id: 476936 - Text:  @pennypillow4445  hmm... ?🤔 are there studies that have shown a direct link/connection between Porn and Sexual Assault? there might be a correlation in some cases but can we say it's a direct Cause in most cases?? I just don't see that if Porn went away, a decline in Sexual Assault rates will reflect that. I've even heard an argument for Porn in this regard where it can actually reduce the number of Sexual Assaults because of it giving people a way to release/diminish certain Sexual urges and stresses. who knows what the real deal is?🤷‍♀️ all I know is that the reasons for Sexual Assaults can be from many causes and influences like Psychological/Emotional issues, Education, Dysfunctional Upbringings, Drugs/Alcohol etc..

id: 476937 - Text:  @naturallaw1733  sexual assault is as old as time, the problem is that by acting like porn is the sole cause of it, we excuse it. we excuse the impact porn has on sexual assault by pointing at other factors like drug abuse or childhood neglect

id: 476938 - Text:  @pennypillow4445  there might be some connection at times to Porn but we can't say that it's Significant enough to be a Major problem with that (Sexual Assaults). there has to be serious Studies done to prove some kind of direct link to increasing chances of these types of behaviors. and right now I think we just have all types of Causal factors that don't have anything to do with Porn. Porn has it's issues of course. just like our Prescription Drugs Epidemic, Struggling Economy, Bad Policing matters etc. these all lead to more aberrant type behaviors in Society. but they are all microcosms of a bigger, deeper Systemic problem we have as people today. so I don't really think you can just focus on something like Porn as the root cause for something because when you break it all down, the causes for most things are often a combination of many prevailing factors.

id: 476939 - Text:  @naturallaw1733  we both agree that porn is not the sole root cause of sexual assault. the problem you have is that you think i ONLY want porn banned because of this

id: 476940 - Text:  @pennypillow4445  oh I'm sorry I thought that's what we were talking about (Sexual Assault). now I'm curious to know your other reasons? 🧐
