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id: 476941 - Text:  @naturallaw1733  porn doesnt exactly help men see women as humans. porn is degrading, demeaning to women. men think anal, deepthroating and slapping are normal in sex

id: 476943 - Text:  @pennypillow4445  sorry for the late reply. I just noticed it now. 🙂 I agree with that. Porn is like advance sex so to speak. meaning that the Porn today is too complicated and unreal for most people to be expecting right away. really it should be more about healthy, reasonable expectations. and all the "normal" everyday stuff we see today should be more about Fetishes and for those older more experienced people. so that gets me to the access of it which I really think is at the crux of this issue. all these Younger people say under 30. they shouldn't just be going directly towards this kind of Sex until they have gotten more experience and maturity in their Lives. but today we have a situation where Everybody, Anybody is exposed right away to this hardcore stuff which can inculcate in them a Negative, Harming view of Sex. not just in Men but also in the way Women grow up and see themselves through this Sexual view and identity.

id: 477152 - Text: Why were comments removed from other girl still in porn? And why was she doing her interview barely clothed? Of course a man's eye wants to sensationalize it and he won't see the continued degradation of her on a camera. These videos, although informative and can tell a heterosexual male is the lead of these. It reminds me of all the Michael Bay movies like Transformers where he has to include some sexual irrelevant shot of a female. That other girl sitting their almost naked made me very sad. Here it was, yet ANOTHER man, perpetuating the thought "it's ok to be naked on camera for mass consumption."

id: 477154 - Text: Many female porn stars were sexually abused or raped at some point early in their lives.

id: 477162 - Text: It honestly made me cry when she said she felt like she was obligated to do things just because someone paid her attention. Things thst made her uncomfortable just to feel some sort of happiness. It honestly reminds me of my middle and high school years ... even now letting people take advantage of me because I'm afraid of being completely rejected (nothing sexually, mainly work). It's because of bullying in the past and constant isolation by others and myself. I really hope I dont end up the way she was with the desperation of love.😐 It's not too late.. only 18.

id: 477285 - Text: I think there is definitely something more to the story with her father. Wouldn't at all be surprised if he sexually abused her.

id: 477315 - Text: It's a lot of men. If it's not rape, they're manipulating for sex. It's enough such that women should be cautious of all men until they know otherwise. Not even exaggerating.

id: 477324 - Text: The men looking at young girls body's are the problem. Every women remembers the first time you realize men look at you "different" it's such an overwhelming sexual look and it's disgusting.

id: 477329 - Text:  @trinity9937  so women don't manipulate men with sex?

id: 477345 - Text: Jade Marie I agree. My constant "normal" and "healthy" sexual urges have caused me great pain and continue to undermine any other purpose or meaning in my life and I wish I could live without wanting to have sex with every attractive woman I see.
