31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 553478 - Text: The scorpion and the frog. Nice of the scorpion to agree to do a retrospective video though

id: 553481 - Text: Just started watching,….amazing video…heartbreaking

id: 553523 - Text: Y’all can not tell me that her silence in this video wasn’t a cry for help. You can tell she wanted to say she’s sorry but her little clown of a so called “pimp” has her so scared she isn’t willing to speak up. Idk what that that loser is doing to her but she clearly isn’t comfortable. And as far as I’m concerned he’s not a gang member. Yea he maybe affiliated with them but he ain’t one. He’s a joke! She’s way too smart and has too much potential to be rolling around with this scum bag. Him and his nasally ass voice. He made me LAUGH!! Asriah my girl if you ever see this.. please know you are soooo much better than all this BS! And I hope you find your worth, hunny. Cuz this ain’t it! 💜

id: 553545 - Text: No, the biggest help would be to kill all these pimps. She does not need a social worker. The stupidity of people responding to this video is mind boggling.

id: 553551 - Text:  @grognard7790  i love how you idiots generalize even more than the "bigots" you hate. You are yourself the monsters you think youre fighting. Ive never watched fox news but twice in my life. Its a joke, lies just as much as the rest. Fox just plays conservitards like the others play the other side. And has it ever occurred to you, that maybe, just maybe, POCs make up a larger part of the prison population BECAUSE THEY COMMIT MORE CRIME!!! Look at any city with majority POC making up who runs it versus wytes...theyre the worst ones in the nation. Look up the videos of whose robbing the trains in LA right now...i double dare you to find a single wyte person out of the dozens and dozens looting the trains. It sounds good, but youre from the upper class and have never lived with these things. All you know is what propaganda they told you.

id: 553569 - Text: Remember that she said in a previous video that she had no pimp. And then you helped get her on her feet, and she allows him into the apartment. Afterwards, they both rip you off. She is responsible for it. So incredibly sad.

id: 553594 - Text: Wow... and dude changed his outfit for the full body video like smh

id: 553620 - Text: This made me so sad. I saw promise with her in the previous videos. I didn't realize the extent you help these ppl Mark. This video reveals that. I don't know how you do it but you're amazing! You're unwavering spirit gives all us viewers something. ♥️ Side note: one thing that popped out to me is she is wearing dirty slippers and he has on new shoes. So sad.

id: 553622 - Text: I thought at the very least she would have told Mark she sorry for wasting his time, but that probably would have gotten her in trouble. This is heartbreaking 💔 As soon as a saw the photo still for this video - I knew there was a negative update. Not changing her # should hv been the first clue and red flag. Young lady Im sorry you didn’t choose hope and your children this time, but I guarantee you nothing in a new life could ever as hard as the lifestyle you’ve chosen. You won’t find another friend like Mark

id: 553624 - Text: I'm so sad to see that this beautiful girl / woman didn't take the gift that Mark offered her. She could've changed her life around. It breaks my heart to see her throw her life away like this. She is completely shut down in this video. The pimp controls her every move. I'll never understand how he could have such a hold on her. She's so precious.
