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id: 477358 - Text: Men use women for sex and women use men for resources. Get the fuck over it ladies.

id: 477387 - Text: Jade Marie No. Men just like to have sex. It's called biology. You didn't know this? LOL

id: 477388 - Text: What I remember about being a little girl is how many people were openly pedophiles. 40 year old men would tell me how much they’d like to fuck me at the age of 14. I shrugged it off because they never forced themselves onto me or ra*ed me, but it’s actually disgusting how many men will shamelessly try to entice children for sex

id: 477403 - Text: It’s so sad because so many women have a “How old were you?” story related to this, such as sexual comments made towards them and more. I remember about 16 years ago (I was about 6), my older sister (about 9 at the time) told me that this old man, John, who was a longtime family friend of my mother’s (he was my godmother’s father AND like a grandfather to me) asked if he could see/touch her chest when I left her side for a minute to get our dad to come to the door. My older sis was only visiting for the weekend (since we have different moms) and it happened to be her first time meeting him because he stopped by to drop off a package for my mom, who wasn’t home at the time. After the guy left, my sister told me what happened and asked me to tell our dad because she was too embarrassed to do it herself. I think I was shocked and grossed out myself but at the time I didn’t understand the magnitude of the situation the way my sister did. After I told my dad, he called John to come over later that week for a talk while my mom took us shopping. Ever since then, we never saw that guy again and I’m so glad our dad was there to protect us.

id: 477412 - Text: Smh..your damned if you do damned if you one wants to mention when these women wear revealing clothes to get attn(to feel sexy)..especially in the summer. when men look it's a problem but yet they wear these revealing clothes on purpose for the attention..let's not front ladies..lets be honest.

id: 477417 - Text:  @PSINXS  I've always lived in racially mixed areas.I'm White. I've found Black men to be the most polite out in public, and make the kindest compliments about my appearance. Middle aged White men have always said the most disgusting, sexual things. Blue collar men make polite compliments. I'm not talking about wolf whistles or things like that. I always smile and wave, to guys on jobsites when they do that. I'm taking about gross sexual comments when you're 11 on up from gross older men, older relatives, molesting bosses, guys who rub against you on the bus, ass grabbers, boob grabbers, etc. I've found middle aged White guys and Eastern Indians to be the worst when it comes to public comments/ grabbing/ molesting. Black guys/ blue collar guys havent done this to me. They whistle, or make polite comments, there's a difference.

id: 477436 - Text: susant Singh Rajput boys are traumatized between 4-11in staggering numbers Compared to little girls. But girls and women are assaulted most they’re lives that outpace boys. Until we quit treating sex like a commodity it won’t stop

id: 477445 - Text: Jade Marie You mean, most men like sex, and this is how the human race has survived the millenia?

id: 477478 - Text: Really? I never found it a problem. Boys my age weren't interested in slim & leggy girls like me & I didn't find them attractive either as all they wanted was sex & they bored me. At 19 I went for 25+ men age wise. Older men were way nicer , way more respectful & far more interesting.

id: 477483 - Text:  @trinity9937  yea and women never manipulate for sex
