31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 553647 - Text:  @apples2go1  Yeah I actually unsubscribed because of this video. Too many boundaries crossed. And then to (I'm guess) pay her one last time to sit in front of a camera like this for the audience. This is all too weird

id: 553676 - Text: Mark, props to you for telling these stories. They need to be heard. If I can recommend, get some instruction in interviewing. And Emily and over narration technique. You can't speak for your subject while your subject is there. I get it. And I applaud you. Just a few improvements will make these videos more impactful.

id: 553682 - Text: Good video..Sad..This life

id: 553686 - Text: I’m happy he called her out on video. She’s going to cry wolf and go back to it

id: 553687 - Text: Her entire body language is so different in this video, the way she is holding her head, the look in her eyes, where she is looking, and this was the only interview that she didn't cry in. Money manager... he is running her and everyone knows it. Such a sad story. I highly doubt a happy ending here, and certainly not with the look in her eyes.

id: 553708 - Text: Heartbreaking. Her body language is so different in this video as well. I hope she can make that mental click/pivot it takes to turn her life around.

id: 553754 - Text: Wow, I've never seen Mark so upset. Good for you, glad you stood your ground. But this is EXACTLY why, even with thousands of comments on all your videos where people get sucked in so easily by the stories and demand for everyone to "help" these people financially and save everyone, I've never believed in just throwing money at anyone. You can have the best intentions, you can see so much potential in someone, you can even help them with tools and other things to try and get them back on track. But to just give them money (thousands, no less) and hope they do what they say they're gonna do with it. No. Just...NO. You can't be doing that, Mark. No matter how sincere someone seems, unless they change their whole identity and move far away (like out of state far away) to the middle of nowhere basically, being anywhere near the vicinity of their old life isn't going to change anything...eventually they'll just fall right back in. Especially without any help other than just giving them free housing, food, car, and money. In fact, all that does is enable them. I really hope other people who watch these videos start to wake tf up when they get so angry as to "wHy iS nO oNe HeLpInG!!1!!" and that you yourself are way more careful with the money you use to help these people. You owe it to all the people who donate. I'm not saying everyone in a street lifestyle are bad/horrible people. Some of the most genuine people I've met have been street people. I was an addict living in my car at one point, and I consider myself a genuinely good, trustworthy, loyal person that doesn't take advantage of people (quite the opposite, actually). However, in my addict days, even the best people can do the worst things, say anything just to get what they want/need. That's why I can see through a lot of what others can't in these videos. Even if the tears and the want for something better is genuine as hell, in the end sometimes people just keep choosing wrong even when it makes no damn sense. Anyway, hope this is a good lesson for you, Mark. ...and be safe, please. The last thing you need is to be caught up in gang crap. That's on a whole other level of f*ckery you definitely don't need....

id: 553772 - Text: Like many commenters, you’re making so many incorrect assumptions that I can’t even start to help you understand. Please watch the entire video and process what was said without making assumptions.

id: 553773 - Text:  @SoftWhiteUnderbelly  Um...I did. If you left stuff out, then that's on you for not being clear enough with your editing. I've seen all 3 of the videos you posted and can only go by what YOU post. ....and if I'm "one of many commentators that just doesn't understand" that just proves you aren't making the situation clear. Either that, or you're still upset you got gypped for thousands of dollars with this one and are taking it out on your commentors. Either way, if you want people to understand something that they're getting a different view from watching your videos, then either make it crystal clear or don't get upset when the obvious is pointed out.

id: 553777 - Text:  @kittyvalentin3748  then what's with the dramatic video lol move on.
