58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 477487 - Text:  @roddas26  peep the sex offender registry in your area and get back to us

id: 477490 - Text: Men control who they marry. Women control who they have sex with. She could have stopped at any moment and said no. She wanted the cash and prizes that go along with having male attention. But didn’t have the discipline to say no to all of it. She’s had agency, she just hoped everyone else doesn’t make her keep it. Your all stooges.

id: 477496 - Text: Uts called biology. Men notice bc they are hard wired for as much sexual activity as they can get. It's society promarily other men that enforced all men to behave appropriately and not do anything to a female that didn't want it. That said its unreasonable to expect heterosexual men with testosterone to NOT notice the post puberty female body

id: 477512 - Text: The incel responses on this thread make me want to vomit. The sexualization of female CHILDREN is unacceptable, but this thread is full of men making excuses, trying to shift the blame (what she wears, really!?), or trying to use naturalistic fallacies to justify plain old gross behavior! If you're an old man creeping on girls and young women, trust me, the majority of them are uncomfortable, if not downright disgusted, with your behavior!

id: 477561 - Text: Whaaa? These days so many young girls totally flaunt their budding sexuality not just on social media but out in public. Teenage girls wear clothing to my gym that would have gotten you arrested 20 years ago. Ok, so now you know how it feels to be stereotyped and judged.

id: 477564 - Text: So true that why we have to teach our son how to inactive with the opposite sex and about sexuality in a real way

id: 477568 - Text: Exactly why I have my teen daughter and two nieces wearing clothes that aren’t sexualizing them, wearing very little makeup and no perfume. No 13 year old needs to be attracting men or boys.

id: 477573 - Text: Men looking at women sexually is 1000% unavoidable

id: 477630 - Text:  @mercyrn35  it is easy for you to judge, isn't it? You do not know how much being a victim of sexual assualt fucks you up so shut the FUCK up. Go away

id: 477648 - Text:  @crisp8364  look, I understand where you're coming from, I really do. A lot of the paths we end up traveling down are INITIALLY a choice. However, addiction is just not that simple, neither is the downward spiral into debauchery. I was lucky. I had parents, who although very conservative, were loving and understanding. They knew the even "good kids" could fall into a pattern of drug abuse and sexual exploitation. I didn't stray, thankfully, and have a happy fulfilling life. That said, I've seen kind-hearted people succumb to terrible circumstances. I had a dear friend in highschool who was terribly abused by her family (her stepfather specifically). No matter how much I told her she was worthwhile, she didn't have the fundamental support to bolster her self esteem. She ended up addicted to meth and pimped out by her bastard "boyfriend". After a particularly terrible altercation that left her in the hospital with acute injuries, she finally was able to aquire professional help. Years later, she is a happily married mother. Not everyone who ends up in the lifestyle as the many people in these videos falls down the spiral to oblivion.
