31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 553778 - Text:  @realtalk7832  tf are you on about? It’s no different than any of the other videos 🤦‍♀️

id: 553779 - Text:  @kittyvalentin3748  lol what are u talking about..this video was nothing but a shaming video lol a "how could you do this" video

id: 553780 - Text:  @realtalk7832  you keep adding all this stuff that was literally never once said in the video. This is no different than any other update video he’s done where the outcome is not as hoped. I’m done 😂

id: 553802 - Text: I've been watching this channel for 2+ years as a silent consumer of it's content, but felt the need to drop a post on this one. I FELT the need of the owner of this channel to justify where the GoFundMe money - as well as his own - ended up landing, and it genuinely hurt me to listen to. I understand through multiple interviews and media sources of what the original objective of his channel was intended to be at the onset vs. what it has become, and respect every way it has deviated and expanded over the years. This one hits home hard. Drug addiction and familial background - specifically early adolescent trauma - is a monster to unpack and combat against. Adding in generational gang affiliation to the mix is a nut I have never seen cracked. This statement comes from not only my own socio-economic upbringing, but also a higher-ed applied psychology degree and direct experience in said field. I don't have a concise or optimistic conclusion to this writeup, but feel the need to convey to the owner of Soft White Underbelly and anyone else who made it this far into this post, that this is not a failure of an outcome. Just like 'Amanda' - one of his top viewed bios on this channel - did not have a positive outcome, this one is infinitely more complex on many levels. I LOVE the sympathy, empathy, intent, and philanthropic objectives that led to this video. The societal, familial, and local governmental failures that led up to both these individuals on the screen's predicament is too much for one man to solve with genuine, altruistic goals alone. TL;DR Another compelling story, with the producer of the content over-extending to right wrongs that are damn near impossible to resolve without an army. I respect it, and aim to embarrass his mentality.

id: 553828 - Text: Awe she seems high in this video. I trust one day she will break the vicious cycle, when she’s ready

id: 553831 - Text: Damn, Mark. I just started the video but I can hear such disappointment in his voice...Mark's a really good man. Wow.

id: 553854 - Text: Asriah finna be back in the streets. I hate to say it, but I’m not surprised. She had stars in her eyes talking about how many pimps were hitting her up from her past on the last video. She was bound to go back. I hate this for her. That gang shit a cover. Hopefully she can break the chains.

id: 553873 - Text: i am honestly super disappointed that this whole story ended up like this. Tbh i feel like the first video should've just stayed a video about her talking about her life. i understand mark is a kind guy who wanted to help her, but damn what a risk that was! should have known that ppl like her can have God come down and lay the way for her, and still she would choose the other path. at this point, the best thing that needs to be done is have child services come in and take her kids away from her. Poor kids deserve a better life . Thats why ppl don't want to help ppl like her, because they know that nothing will ever come out of it. theres like 1 %chance that some one from the hood will get out and turn their life around. so i dnt know why mark even wanted to try with her in the first place.

id: 553904 - Text: Watching the video prior to this, and watching the body language I had a feeling that there was something more going on with Asriah than what was being said. It is sad to see the position she is in and I hope she finds a way to a place she'd rather be . She's a smart woman with determination and guts. I hope she makes her dreams come true 👍

id: 553906 - Text: I must be the only one or the few in this comment section that hears this savior complex in Mark. It’s the age old story of a white male knight in shining armor swooping in to save the damsel in distress. I literally cringed at him recalling all the things he did for her. Even the part about him entering the apartment that he “paid for”, without her permission. I would’ve cringed knowing someone felt entitled to my privacy, because they “helped” me get it. That alone is the reason most people in her situation does not like to ask for help. She sat there stoic, because she was probably forced per contractual agreement to be there & “take accountability”, or be shamed for not having the Cinderella story that everyone & Mark wanted her to have. Newsflash, that’s NOT reality. She’s been abused & dealt with so much bull her whole life that yes, it’s going to take more than a YouTube video & some thousands to get her out this life. It’s going to take a lot of work, including therapy. In a matter of three months, she’s been put on a pedestal that she didn’t ask for and then bashed by these same “well meaning” people. That alone is enough to make a person revert back to their old life. Suddenly, it’s not about her anymore & it’s about Mark’s “woah is me” story. Let’s be clear, Mark benefits from this story just as well as she benefited. There’s always a give and a take. He wasn’t just Willy Nilly giving money like he’s leading everyone to believe, and I hope she creates her own platform because I would love to hear her side of the story. This is where I end with this series. It seemed too good to be true from the start.
