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id: 553919 - Text: What a huge disappointment. I, like many others, connected with the first two videos on an emotional level and I was so happy to see Mark helping this young woman and her kids find a better life. But then she lies, steals money from Mark and everyone who donated and leaves her kids behind to go back to the gang life. And what does she have to say after she is caught, nothing. She can't even come up with a convincing lie to explain her selfish and decitful behavior. She doesn't even seem to have any remorse for betraying mark and stealing from him. I hope she can get her life in order for her kids if nothing else but its painfuly obvious she doesnt care about anyone but herself.

id: 553940 - Text: To all the people complaining that he shamed her, y’all are idiots ! She should be shamed !!!! She isn’t a victim here. She basically used mark as her sugar daddy ! Used him for money. And mark has said previously that he knows better than to hand cash out to these people. Mark, you say in the video that the Plan was for her leave her old life behind and begin a new life. How realistic does that sound ? Unless she has something to substitute her old life for then it’s almost impossible for her to just quit cold Turkey. Some of you squares don’t know but a life of crime and drugs has its highs and lows and the highs are fun af. People cannot even leave that type of lifestyle after years of therapy. I honestly don’t know if mark was naive to think she would just change her number and start a new life. Start a new life based on what? She doesn’t have any of the skills that people need to lead normal lives. She cannot just develop those overnight. But I do think she straight used mark, she may have had good intentions but as soon as she saw that she was only using him she made the decision to keep doing it. Any person in her situation would have done the same. Now I think about the poor shmucks donating to the gofund me who donated money that went directly into a pimps pocket. If you wanna help homeless drug addicts, do your research and donate to rehabs or homeless shelters, basically any other organization that won’t put thousands of cash money into a junkie prostitutes hands daily.

id: 553964 - Text: Mark please always watch ur surroundings and look into carrying some type of protection if u don’t know how to protect ur self learn how to. Always tell people where ur going .. I know ur trying to help people but what ur doing is dangerous and the people that u get involved some are Dangerous this video freaks me out there are so many red flags 🚩 here.. Please stay safe..

id: 554011 - Text: Yeah this video was eye opening. Mark you genuinely need to reel it in. This what j cole talkin about lol. Real talk though, wtf Mark? Don’t give someone like that your/your viewers money. Especially that much. I love this channel but shit. Best wishes mark truly, but dont make this mistake again as hard as that is.🙏

id: 554030 - Text: This video truly makes my blood boil. This should be a lesson to all, that some people cant be saved, dont want to be saved, and wont be saved. Machevelli was right

id: 554042 - Text: Because she didn’t live up to his expectation & his viewer’s expectation of a Cinderella story. This whole video made me cringe, and it was Mark who had me cringing the most.

id: 554135 - Text: I'm really invested in her I really hope that she gets better and things get better for her. If anything changes please post a video with her again and I hope that she gets serious and turns around I'm sure it's not easy I have no idea about that life. I feel for her so much and him. They're not horrible people it's their surroundings and what they are used to and what they grew up in.. please keep us posted if anything else happens or any more interviews can happen

id: 554140 - Text: I know one thing, I surely do appreciate the sheer honesty on these videos.

id: 554152 - Text: First couple of videos I saw I had a lot of hope but at same time I knew this would happen sorry bud

id: 554217 - Text: The last update with her was so encouraging. In that video she said you were basically her only friend. Sje seemed to have a goal and was working towards achieving it. This is really heartbreaking. I could tell from the expression on her face before the video even started that she had given up the fight for a better life for her and her kids. Very sad situation for so many reasons.
