58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 477796 - Text: That's what child sexual abuse does. The person is stuck at that age in so many ways. It's so sad.

id: 477802 - Text: I'm a sexual assult therapist (LCSW) it's very common to stay emotionally at the age the abuse began.

id: 477811 - Text: Juliette Zea, agreed. Men see online dating as free sex. F them.

id: 477819 - Text: thought the same,, she is as same as in the porno videos,,, it really turn me down, i dont know how man can be attracted to have sex with a woman that inside is still like a little kid,,

id: 477852 - Text: J.J. Earth Walker Hello random person from the internet that doesn’t know me from a whole in the wall and has chosen to pick a fight with me. The comment section is exactly for that, commenting. If you read further down, I am not the only person who feels that way. I did not make an accusation, do not know her father’s name so the person was not even mentioned. For some reason my comment has hit a nerve with you. This will be the last time I answer you. As a person that grew up with two alcoholic parents, one that died because of it, and was sexually assaulted, I know all about disassociating. I came to this channel to further understand the mind of an addict and the people that are being interviewed know that people will comment. I am so happy that she found a way out and is living a happy life, just like she wanted. Next time you see a comment you don’t agree with, do like I do and keep scrolling. Everyone is entitled to their opinion or feelings and I expressed mine as respectfully as possible. Have a nice day.

id: 477862 - Text: Nicole Rodriguez I wasn’t sexually abused by my father but I feel the same way about him. He was scary, inappropriate, and alcoholic. This behaviour can cause a lot of trauma.

id: 477871 - Text: ElricDracul i have a friend who was locked up in a cell because he was accused of raping a girl, when he actually refused to do anything sexual with the girl, he was proven innocent but women deserve equal rights of speech, but when they go to far like that they deserve a consequence not just to be able to get away free

id: 477875 - Text: Yeah... I felt that too. Plus his obsession with her sexuality... and bringing men around all the time. Strange

id: 477884 - Text: Her dad talking to everyone about her virginity was a form of sexual abuse right there. He equated her self worth with her sexuality.

id: 477912 - Text: Little girl voice almost always equals trauma as a child. Most likely sexual.
