31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 554276 - Text: So sad. Mark, you have good intentions, but giving money to a person that is an addict and is from a heavily controlled lifestyle, isn't going to help them. Posting the videos attracts attention, especially when they're not willing to change their number and cut off ties to their past. That's a red flag. A person that has an addiction needs counseling, guidance and A LOT of accountability. They need to replace the addiction with good habits and that takes a community of people and A LOT of personal inner work. They need to fight for themselves and work to get out of it. They need to earn a living in a different way to feel like they're contributing to their future and own success.

id: 554285 - Text: First off mark I love your heart and your videos please don’t let this stop your work. . Second I am a survivor I got out of the life after 12 years. It’s been 6 years since I gave it up. That being said getting money is in her DNA it won’t just go away. When mark gave her money he instantly put himself in the trick bag and loses respect from her. This life is so fucking hard to get away from. I had a pimp for 6 years then renegade for another 6 years. I know she wants out in her heart it’s just not that easy. You basically have to chose poverty and that’s a hard pill to swallow when you sell you body for money. I’m praying for you girl. If anyone wants out like really out find an organization that does restoration housing. There are some all over the US. I’m in Dallas area and can connect anyone that needs help with multiple people. There is life after the game A better life it’s not easy but you can do it especially if you have time to actually heal your mind and heart.

id: 554289 - Text:  @occupytillicome6222  Yes, I think you are spot on. She needs a role model and support structure. Definitely a professional to speak to that specializes in sexual trauma and drug addiction. Maybe CBT along with EMDR. The attempt and intention of the interviewer to bring light a situation that most people know nothing about is eye opening. This said, it also puts this beautiful woman in the limelight and if she doesn’t have the support she needs, as you said, then she could be easier victimized by those wanting to harm her for their benefit. It was a bit of a roller coaster watching her emotions in the different videos and my only hope is that she is able to create a better life for herself and her children so the cycle doesn’t keep repeating.

id: 554363 - Text: To me all this is not helpful at all. Yes surely you are offering them help by giving them a home and money, but these videos just put them in a spotlight and you are just exposing their suffering and point out all the mistakes they are making, just making them feel so much worse. It’s very uncomfortable to see just how guilty they feel hearing you say your opinion about what happened and how they’ve wronged you. For how much you want to help, you may never understand what it feels like to be in their shoes. To me it feels like you are using them, which you probably don’t, but seeing this from the other side of the camera, all these awkward silences waiting for apologies from the other part…I really believe they don’t help.

id: 554382 - Text: U can jus tell the disappointment in his heart jus sank. She knows what she has to do, jus like drug addiction. They want to get clean. & not everybody tht goes to rehab the 1st time can stay clean..the streets are the same there's a chance of relapsing. I do hope 🙏🏾 they both find a way to mk their life better & brighter.. *her shine was gone in this video..eventho she didn't say it she looked ashamed tht she took advantage him. *we can't save everybody..but we can sure try!

id: 554435 - Text: Ok . I’m playing devils advocate here, for a brief moment. I’ve asked many times if the interviewer was helping any of these poor diseased addicted souls. And, it usually was just an interview. And experience into a world that most of us do not know. Why is it that he gives One of the youngest prettiest women an apartment and other provisions.. and as I’ve heard ..(expected to walk in whenever he wanted to) and also sounded from this video as a jealous boyfriend of some sort . It sounded really inappropriate for someone that’s trying to help someone & worried about a black guy being with her .. 🥺 ( even before he discovered he was a pimp or gang member!) I completely appreciate him exposing this sad part of life. And, maybe encouraging us ,and motivating us to try to help people like these. But, when he chooses to help the young & pretty girl amongst so many others, makes me feel like there’s another agenda going on that may be hidden. It’s just intuitive in my soul , that I think something is not right about that . Again, I’m new to this channel, and I don’t know much about this interviewer .I probably watched about 30 videos, so I can only assume from what I’ve seen, as of yet.. But, something doesn’t seem right about this…I’m sorry If I offended anybody, but I’m just speaking the God’s honest truth. 😢

id: 554439 - Text: U can tell she’s hurt and that she wanted his help but she’s being controlled , and who knows what that man will do to her after seeing this video . Smh , that shit is sad !

id: 554447 - Text: Hey Mark I hope you read this, I just wanna say this video really made me wanna tell you this. I don't think you get how the streets work. Not in a bad way I think at one point in the video exotic was boutta cry but she can't. Whatever feelings you may have just know coming up in the streets will never leave someone. They can't help but hustle, it's a lifestyle and almost a mental disease. Just know u mean something, life isn't always fair or right, or so the excuse goes

id: 554463 - Text: I’m disgusted with this video. Unfortunately I don’t think

id: 554481 - Text: I find it was Naïve to expect a radical change from this beautiful girl. She has never known stability, love. She grew on the defence. Her second video was too much to believe. No normal mother needs thousands of dollars per day as an expense. I find Mark attached himself too much. Yes, you have compassion but i am surprised that you sound so shocked. Many people don't leave their abusers, it is a vicious cycle. Your videos are informative and very interesting. Please don't judge her, don't expect a person who has never had an ounce of normalcy to fly out of the hoods, out of her drug habits and out of her gang's control with flying colors. When saying " i tried helping you, i tried changing your number, tries this and that", it is not up to you.
