31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 554503 - Text: TIL Guy making these videos and the "pimp" are the same dude.

id: 554517 - Text: You can clearly see the change in her demeanor in this video. It's sad how Mark and the rest of us got scammed by her. No one can really help a person who doesn't want to help themself.

id: 554522 - Text: She didn't scam anyone she explains in the last video multiple pimps were contacting her and how hard she's been trying to adjust. She's literally someone who's pretty much been abused and under control by someone for long time. You can tell she wants out but she just has to see that's she's worth more than this lifestyle

id: 554613 - Text: Her silence comes from getting caught and being guilty. Her attitude this whole video was very nonchalant and I did not see sadness in her, maybe regret, but that is about it.

id: 554642 - Text: Why would he be giving 4 hundred to 2,000 dollars a day to anyone let alone a woman that admitted that she was still using? That was a red flag in the last video when she said she was doing better in the new house, but he knew that she was still using. I feel like he is trying to make excuses for her to make himself feel better about giving her so much money. He really wanted an apology from her. The only way he can trust her is if she is sober.

id: 554650 - Text: @Here For The Comments as soon as I seen the video where he explained how much he helps, I donated to Mark's page which is the first page I've ever donated to I like it so well

id: 554659 - Text: I have been praying for this young woman since video one and saw her grow and this is devastating. She needs to get out of the state.

id: 554669 - Text: I've been watching your videos for a couple years now. And this is the most involved I've seen you with some of the other people in the videos. This one seemed to cut deeper than most others you've tried to help, but keep it up Mark. You're helping a lot of people even just by making these videos.

id: 554723 - Text: I really hope she had a moment with Mark, alone, after the video & was able to apologize properly for doing him wrong while he was trying to help her. (I understand that she is in bad situations & likely in active addiction, which turns you into a different person. She is not a bad person, it is very clear that she is in bad situations and under the control of others who do not have her best interests in mind, nonetheless for her childrens best interest...) Also hope that maybe she was able to say more than she wanted to/could while on camera or to the public OR around Fly, to him (Mark) while in private & off camera...although I do know while under control of a pimp &/or gang involement it can be hard better yet impossible to talk in general, especially on certain subjects and information, whether on camera or not. My heart breaks for everyone involved in this situation. Asriah, for being in the situation she is in and has been in for a long time & all the things she has spoken on that she has been through in her short lifetime. Mark, for trying to help and being taken advantage of. I have a feeling Asriah was pressure or even controlled into asking Mark for more and more money, with larger and larger amount requests. Seeing as it obviously did not go to her. It went to her "money manager" aka pimp of a "boyfriend" that is "trying to get her out of this lifestyle". I really wish I could have seen the footage of the facial expressions and body language coming from Asriah when Mark was talking to Fly & Fly said the sentence, "Yeah, she has helped me so I am trying to help her & get her out of this life." Because I have a strong feeling I could tell from her facial expressions and body language alone whether or not what he was saying had any truth to it whatsoever. She is so young & I wish she would check into a long term facility to get the help she needs both for substance abuse and mental health needs and to try and heal from some trauma she had obviously endured. I know I am long winded here, this just hits really close to home for me as I have dealt with these same issues in my life. Thank you, Mark, for continuing to try to help people despite sometimes getting burned. Obviously you won't get it right with every single person. But also thank you for seeing all of us as people, real human beings with hearts, souls & feelings/emotions....

id: 554747 - Text: Stay safe, Mark! You are a beautiful, intelligent, and kind soul. I am very quickly approaching 4 years clean from crack, and I watch your videos to help motivate me to stay clean. I've seen a lot of good, bad, and ugly in the world that I didn't even know really existed until I fell into the drug game. Thank you so much for everything you do, and educating your viewers. I can't imagine how many lives you have touched. Stay golden!
