31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 554754 - Text: Mark, you’re amazing. I’m sad that even with all the support she had she just couldn’t pull herself out. I’m only at the beginning of the video but I’m already heart broken. Maybe you can find a way to better regulate the money you give people to help them. To be taken advantage of when doing so much to help is really sad. I can only imagine your sadness When you were speaking with Fly. You are so respectful of the fact that this is all he knows as well. Trying not to point the finger at him. But didn’t you want to ask him if he wants to get her out… why didn’t he let her go w the new life you were already helping her build. Where did the disconnect happen here? Do you know? Did she have a weak moment and call him? It’s so interesting how he admits to the money going to him and the kids (not sure I believe that), and then says sometimes for her it depends what for. Clearly he is paying for her nails and things he likes. Gas I would imagine gives her independence he doesn’t want for her. I’m looking forward to seeing more of your work with a happier ending. This was heart wrenching. Thank you for bringing it to us all in a very respectful way that is not exploitive or sensational

id: 554765 - Text: Hello Mark, I commend your intentions as I think they are pure and good. I am an ex-knucklehead we will say. Troubled youth that turned around and became something. One of the things I became was a counselor at a rehab. I have since moved on for reasons similar to this video. I believe you want to help, but how much money was taken and spent on pain, drugs and the furtherance of criminal intent? If you are in the position of giving help you just ended up aiding the enemy. You supplied money for drugs and for a criminal institution. Again, your intentions are good, but I must ask how did you not know where the money was going? If you are looking for ratings and views, you got them, but if you want to create change how did you fare? I quit being a counselor for 2 reasons. The first is that most do not get it right and many will pass away. The family members of those people need to blame someone so it is always the rehab. I worked 100 hours a week for about $400 plus housing after taxes. I did it to help people. It got to be too much on me to be blamed when I tried my hardest. I never wanted money, I wanted people to have a life! The second reason is because behind it all you have many people like this. Playing the game, satisfying their significant other or parents for awhile to just get back on the street and do the same thing. You might need a little more education on human behavior and why people do what they do. I am not downing you because I respect and admire what you are doing, but I have no time for B.S. so I have to be direct. You are there to help and if you change one persons life than it was all worth it and I am sure you have. please do not be so quick to give so much without the understanding of what and who you are dealing with. I apologize if this came off harsh.

id: 554773 - Text: Do you people really not see her body language, her behavior compared to the other 2 videos? She's trying hard to keep a straight face. She didn't choose this guy to "manage her money" because she suddenly started to miss having a pimp. He is controlling her, probably beating her and her kids, threatening to kill and whatnot, She's on the point of breaking down. She looks so ashamed. She's probably trying to dissociate herself and keep a poker face, to be able to get through this without facing consequences from her "boyfriend".

id: 554875 - Text: This video really made me change my mind about ever watching your videos again! You seem to want to help those in the thick of it by giving money, gifts, trips, etc........ why don't you help those who have helped themselves and found their way into treatment and are ready to start over from that point? From the time a person decides to change and remove themselves from all they know and actually makes a real effort , until the time they are standing at that rehab door clean and sober is when they NEED someone like you! But i guess that wouldn't be as interesting as filming them before any kind of real treatment when they are so broken that your 20 30 bucks to film them like that draws them in and you got your show. Your not here to help. Your here to film them in their most vulnerable moments for the world to see. You break my heart!

id: 554883 - Text: This is so unfortunate, I truly hope she changes her ways and bettered herself, love your videos btw you have a good heart

id: 554884 - Text: This is one of the most disappointing videos I’ve watched so far. It’s sad to see her progress and then revert back to her old ways and not appreciate all the help and opportunities that Mark has given her.

id: 554939 - Text: Exotic needs to see the video of Quiera aka Kelly. It can be done if you actually want to do it. I feel like she played everyone and she needs to feel accountability for her actions.

id: 555005 - Text: I knew from the last update that it wasn’t going to end well. It would have been a miracle. I was hoping that she would get better but I knew better. Her body language even in the last video showed me that she was under a lot of pressure. I feel bad for her. You can tell she’s so uncomfortable.

id: 555008 - Text: I love how she comes on here and SELF INCRIMINATE herself. Even from her previous videos her full name, prostitute/gang name and all of that is accessible to the world. I would talk to him I'm not telling you who my gang affiliation is with so now when crimes get committed the feds no who to look for to cooperate for information 🤦🏾‍♀️

id: 555016 - Text: HER body language changed when he came in the video. She knows she screwed this good thing up. This platform could have given her the life she’s probably always longed for.
