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id: 478252 - Text: Living with trauma, depression, sexual and physical abuse, no boundaries, no self worth, abusing substances, guilt, low self esteem might leave one feeling destroyed, damaged and hopeless..but we can all elevate our moral standards if we learn what God expects from may sound too antiquated to some.. but the self control and mutual respect Crissy and her husband had/have for each other while dating set the stage for a happy life together w many blessings.

id: 478265 - Text: It's also the case for the pretty, light-skinned stripper. I don't know if its because they are beautiful women or if it's more about the sexual nature of their work. Merciless judgment. Sometimes the most interesting and telling aspect of these interviews can be found in the comments.

id: 478268 - Text: Sex workers are always judged harshly. It’s terrible.

id: 478274 - Text: of course cuz a lot of these hater women got nothing better than ti judge her. the trend is very strong when it's a sex worker that isn't explicitly bawling out he eyes..

id: 478275 - Text:  @1adadada  Well lets look at the options shall we? A man MUST ejaculate on a regular basis because of male biology. A man can have sex, jack off, or ejaculate in his sleep if the first two arent done for a while. 80 percent on women date only 20 percent of men. So most men arent getting sex, and most men dont like ejaculating multiple times a week in their sleep, so porn is the only option.

id: 478323 - Text: This woman is absolutely shameless LOL.....she's literally having sex with other men EVERYDAY doing porn.....and somehow has the audacity to get mad at her boyfriend for going to a strip club?? Are you serious?? Surely she can see the hypocrisy there?? She wants to "be loved" but thinks having sex with other men in porn shouldn't affect that?? LOL

id: 478684 - Text: Turn to JESUS,he loves you,and will make your life brand new. He did it for me,and he'll do it for you. I was exposed to all kinds of evil growing up in San Francisco at a very young age. I had my first child at 13,and became a ward of the court at 14,and began prostituting at 14 as I would go home for visits from the group home I was in . Left the group home at 16 years old , after my mom said it was ok to go back home. Went back to school,but would prostitute at night, never ended up graduating highschool, because of the streets that kept calling me. Which now I know was a demonic stronghold and demons that had inhabited my soul,due to all the evil I was exposed to already,sexual immorality,drugs,and generational curses.. I've been almost killed on many occasions,and I was also kidnapped, clothes torn off ,and found myself in a city that I wasn't familiar with,and walking down the street crying for help. I ended up getting help from a cab company,and they called the police for me,and I told them I wasn't from the city of Phoenix,that I was from San Francisco,and they asked me who was I with,and I said my pimp. They dropped me off at the hotel,and told me to get out of there city. I did. And one day GOD gave me a terrifying dream about me being killed ,and showed me my son crying at my funeral,who was about 4 or 5 at the time . To make a long story short,I woke up from that dream and told the pimp I had been with for over 8 years that it was over,that I've made a decision that I don't want to live my life like this anymore. He assulted me,and we fought. I ran out the house with just the clothes on my back,and escaped.. By faith I trusted in GOD. Knew it would be hard,but I did it. A close friend of mine,who I met in the streets, who used to be my trick. But ended up becoming my best friend. GOD sent him to my rescue, risking his life at 3am in the morning in east Oakland CA to help me.. I stood at a payphone and waited until he called it back. That's when pagers were the thing. And he finally called me back ..He took me to a safe place,and I stayed in a motel for months. He payed for it,and he began to help me put my life back together by the grace and mercy of GOD. I ended up moving into an apartment,got a job,and my life started to change little by little. It was very hard for me because I had been through so much trauma,and didn't have that spiritual understanding and discernment yet about the destiny and purpose GOD had for my life,and how the devil sent familiar spirits from the time I was a child to lure me into a place of darknkness and demonic strongholds and bondage, having legal rights through generational curses,that has affected my family for generations. Today I'm saved ,a born again believer in JESUS,an evangelist and mom of three beautiful and blessed children. I'm a Christian. And have shared my amazing testimonies with so many people,and watching people get set free and delivered as I was. I used sell drugs as a child,was addicted to drugs,sex, pornography,fast money, manipulating men,and everything evil.. I've been raped,thrown out of vehicles,had guns pointed directly at me,once to my head me,the other to my torso. I am a true witness that there is NOTHING to hard for GOD...My mom had eight kids,a single mom trying to do her best to raise us with none of our father's around. And today I'm FREE in Christ JESUS,who DELIVERED me from the snare of the Fowler,and demonic spirits..If he did it for me,he can do it for all. His BLOOD was shed on the cross for the whole world, because of his precious LOVE for us. For mankind. For humanity. REPENTANCE is the KEY to VICTORY. TRUSTING GOD,that it's not his will for you to PERISH,but that you will come to REPENTANCE. Jeremiah 29:11-14 NKJV For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. I will be found by you, says the LORD, and I will bring you back from your captivity; I will gather you from all the nations and from all the places where I have driven you, says the LORD, and I will bring you to the place from which I cause you to be carried away captive.


id: 478946 - Text: I wish I could do something for EVERYONE (except the sex offenders). My heart goes out to her and all the other I've seen on the videos. I don't think I've ever made it through a video with a dry eye

id: 479014 - Text: i hate to see a beautiful young sista go through this i pray she recovers from this grow stronger and get her children and be the best mom they can ever have. its not to late she don't need sex she need a hug,love and help.
