31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 555022 - Text: I just wrote a comment on the follow up of the first video and was so positive. I really had great hopes for her. In less than a month her skin and attitude is completely bad. This FLY looks like his stuck in 'Fresh Prince of Bell Air' time zone. Why would she choose him??? Mark you were helping her so nicely...💔

id: 555062 - Text: This update crushed me.... she seemed so disconnected and withdrawn then in her last video. It truly broke my heart seeing how sad, desperate and defeated she looked. Kinda like she just gave up. She truly doesn't know how to handle a real friend caring for her and genuine good intentions being shown an given to her. It's so sad seeing such a smart young woman not be able to get out of the horrible situation she's in. I can't imagine how hard it must be to try an get out an leave that whole lifestyle and situation you've been dealt by no fault of your own behind you. Your in all that simply because you were born into it. God I hope she gets out and in a better place. If not her children will suffer the same fate.....I pray they don't. I pray for all of them things will get better. I also pray for you Mark your truly a good Man! The way you selflessly try to help those who can't help themselves is Freaking Amazing! BUT PLEASE BE SURE YOU STAY SAFE AND TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF ALSO💙

id: 555093 - Text: This is really sad and sick. This is a person sharing her deep personal trauma to a guy on YouTube and being shamed for... failure to satisfy his God Complex? She needs professional help. Not Patronizing from a guy with a video camera with plans for her that are "different" than those of a pimp.

id: 555098 - Text: Also by stating how much money he's given her he's just putting a target on her back and putting her safety and in the worst case scenario, her life at risk. I know Mark is a photographer, not a mental health professional but I think he fails to realise that just providing her with housing/a car/throwing money at her isn't going to just immediately solve her problems because she's never known how to live a "normal life" given she got into prostitution at the age of 13. She needed lots of mental support from a professional and proper guidance on how to responsibly handle money, help dealing with addiction etc. Also I don't buy the "oh I was on the way to the gym" when I decided to go inside your house uninvited thing lol this dude has a full on saviour complex and this video gives yelling at one kid in front of the entire class vibes

id: 555104 - Text: Can we turn this video over to law enforcement and have "fly" arrested for human trafficking and child endangerment.

id: 555105 - Text: wow...ive been following you on this channel for roughly over a year or so, watched some very heart warming interviews, inspirational, funny, joyous, & of course, very heartbreaking ones. but this particular just beyond that "im praying for you" feeling like........i mean just listening to your tone THROUGHOUT the whole video spoke LEVELS of how frustrated, disappointed, betrayed (somewhat knowingly w/ a hint of benefit of the doubt) angry, i can go on & on but like i said, even a blind person can tell this just crossed some lines & trust is no longer involved...neither are the kids..or her emotions. as a 31 yr old BLACK father, this really just pisses me off seriously. no prayers, no sympathy no apologies either. smdh!

id: 555108 - Text: The issue is the mental state, she knows nothing more than that life... its a vicious cycle. She had no understanding of how to get out and even if she did (you helped her achieve that mark!) still Someone literally has to walk her through it like every day rehab. like a community of ppl show her. Things won't change overnight. Unless its a miracle. Which i do know a few ppl had this sort of life and overnight drastically changed. Gave it all up. The streets, drugs, homelessness. Pretty incredible actually. I also sympathize with her soo much... i grew up in a abusive home but because i had met other ppl and a lot of good people. There definitely was bad ones around still but I slowly changed my way of thinking and my lifestyle. Having Faith in God did help me immensely. She's a prisoner in her mind. That's where it starts. To have the knowledge to be free. To imagine differently. Physically she can have everything handed to her but until she psychologically gets an awaking/understands, ohh i can change, i dont need to live like this and think how can i get out... its really frustrating and sad. Also as someone who works hard for their earnings. I appreciate that you protected the integrity of the funding Mark! I appreciate the videos! It did help me reflect on how this could have been me... truly am grateful!

id: 555115 - Text: get a grip mark. such an exploitative video i cannot even. sort out ur messiah complex before u plaster vids of vulnerable ppl all over the internet. you, in many senses are coming across just as controlling. It doesn't sound like care to me.

id: 555124 - Text: Unfortunately people rarely change. She was showing a bit of arrogance in this video, She didn't even feel the need to explain herself. It's almost like she feels that she was entitled to that money and help.

id: 555132 - Text: I used to say that the problem with world is: There are people that will do EVERYTHING and dont need anything is exchange. And there are people that do NOTHING and need everything as indemnification. In this video we have BOTH. Mark, which is obviously the the first type. And, unfortunately, Exotic, which show herself "arrogant", almost like... when you look somebody from above. But there was a brief moment where she realize what she is about to loose and you can see that her eyes change for a brief moment. Dont be sad Mark. You did the right thing. And that explain why we have the saying "Women and childrens FIRST" We cant save everybody, and need to make sacrifices to save what is the most important for the future of mankind. Manking can be "saved" (lets say... rebuilded) with one man and multiple women NEVER THE OTHER WAY AROUND.
