10334 results for porn metiska onlyfans

id: 52305 - Text: porn users have no empathy or care for human life

id: 52307 - Text: DaddyHub guy is a shining example of who NOT to be in life. Wretched soulless voids pretending to be people. Of course he watches porn, doesn’t care about the pain the people are in or supporting a degenerate destructive sick industry. Just has a dissociated dismissive flat affect. Ruined and unsavble. SLY is another one. Demons attracted to the pain of others.

id: 52310 - Text: What's her porn name

id: 52329 - Text:  @100perdido  Christ, is there an echo in here? 🥱 Porn SJW's.

id: 52330 - Text: I consume & use porn responsibly 😁 Yup, most of these chicks got hurt somewhere, but at least they got the chance to make some Real Money. That can make all the difference. I recognize that they're real ppl. I also recognize that porn pays better than Walmart. You gonna get screwed either way tho

id: 52338 - Text:  @sknkwrksowner  that’s not good enough. If you watch porn regularly you are supporting an industry that takes advantage of at least the ‘minority’ of it’s workers.

id: 52341 - Text:  @jxavier3876  could give 2 buckets about "your" good enough judgements. Copied my post from further down so you can read it with your self-righteous eyes.... The number of folks with savior complex is nuts. Her childhood was f'd up, which has absolutely nothing to do with her chosen career. I've done design and programming work with a lot of mid-tier porn stars, both male and female, and the majority came from stable, white middle-class and upper middle-class homes. They have loving parents/families that could care less about them working in the industry. Most girls I've met just want to make a ton of bank in two years, and pay cash for medical/law school and go on with their lives.

id: 52356 - Text: I bet allot of female pornstars had been molested/abused as kids

id: 52372 - Text: Damn she s a beauty!! I guess the porn industry sees a lot of beautiful women aspiring to be models and stars and ending up in the porn industry. I hope she earns good money and finds happiness. Such a rough childhood. My heart truly goes out to her. The way she was crying. She deserves soooo much love ..fuck..she deserves true, unadulterated happiness and respect.

id: 52388 - Text: Her husband lets her do porn wtf
