31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 64851 - Text: Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the prior video previously uploaded? Then, there was an update with her parent(s) saying that everything she said was untrue, right? I looked through the videos on the channel, but I can't find who else that could have been. Regardless, I'm glad to hear that she is doing better.

id: 64862 - Text: oh my god i feel so much better after watching this video. I was so worried about her dude forreal!!!!! this is amazing also Can u post her hair page i would like to support :D

id: 64867 - Text: Thank you Mark 🙏🏼 her last video was so very hard to watch... how awful that men pick up such a young innocent child 😬 just because babies are on the street doesn’t mean they should be! Disgusting🤢 i hope her family continues to rally around her and provide tools to keep her on the straight and arrow! She is so bright! She has a heart of gold❤️ the innocence in that is the sad part... no child belongs on the streets... thanks again for having this video up immediately following her last one! My heart can slow its beats🙏🏼❤️ thank you for giving her a voice! Giving all these people voices! Reality is hard to hear and watch... your videos have opened my mind to the people on the corners begging for $...I used to be so irritated by them and I’ve found myself being more compassionate and even striking up conversations with some! You have a gift🙏🏼

id: 64916 - Text: Momo your first video had me scared to death. I am so happy you are doing hair. It comes natural to you. It will take you far. So proud of you young lady. If you get a chance to let us know how you're doing we would love to keep up with you.

id: 64918 - Text: Momo 💜💜 so very proud of you Beautiful! I'm so happy to hear you say you are proud of yourself as well! 💜Your eyes and smile are absolutely amazing in this follow up video, that bright light inside of you is coming through 💜👍🏻 You keep doing what your doing! 💜

id: 64956 - Text: I hate saying this but her first reaction the first time mark asks her who kept you from keeping you going on the streets..she looked at him.and said what. That leads me to believe she is lying. I'm so sorry to say that. She also is making no eye contact, and her first video she made lots. And alot of times she saids to much and than stops all the sudden or tells him what he wants to hear. I pray to God that she believes she is worth it and she really has stopped going out and selling herself. She is worth so much more than this. I really want to believe her I just know how to teen girls are and if they are doing something shameful but addicted they will lie to whom ever they want. This girl said she was addicted so I doubt she isn't lying about it now that her parents and family have shamed her. She is going to need counseling to get to the deep down daddy issues to work out these issues not just mask them.

id: 64979 - Text: Other than the drug factor, what is so attractive and addicting in these streets for these girls? Mark always comments on that and I find it hard to grasp. SO so happy Momo is now living her teenage life as it should be, but I hear in so many other videos about the attraction, contrasting to the violence they experience and witness.

id: 64984 - Text: Momo YOU ROCK! She should start a YouTube channel bc I’d love to see her accomplishments. First video broke my heart!

id: 64988 - Text:  @clairelumiere2901  since your so good at being marks lawyer why don’t you take on a law career for yourself you would do really well and instead of writing paragraphs to me about my assumptions go do something productive I commented on what I heard and saw and the reality is that his captioning a child being a prostitude when In reality she’s a exploited young child so as his lawyer I hope you can sort out the titles of the videos too as you seem to know so much about him and his work maybe it’s time you also do something

id: 64989 - Text:  @layrose1708  You’re focusing on the negative & not the positive of what Mark is accomplishing. You wouldn’t even know about this situation without his video. Mark’s not perfect but overall is helping much more than people can imagine. You’re apparently just ignoring what I told you about his financially helping Momo & getting your panties in a bunch over the title. Was hoping to get through to you, but apparently you’re one of the people Mark’s mentioned who have such a negative attitude towards him that I can see I’ll get nowhere. So we’ll agree to disagree. I’m doing something which is how I know Mark & I’m the top donator to his GoFundMe. I did work in legal & always write paragraphs. Peace! ✌️
