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id: 479092 - Text: This is my Daughter's story. Ivy spoke all the words my Daughter couldn't say, but that I already knew. Ivy is in words and physical being most young girls and seasoned Women you see on the streets. They are a reminder of our duty to Humanity of the importance of giving the Best of what we have to give and that is Love. To lose ones self, to be so depressed with no hope left, to desire real Love without having to settle for a sexual encounter with a stranger are things most won't have to experience so again, always give your Best to the Ivy's of the world. It just might save their life. I Love you Ivy. I've Prayed for you and can't wait to read your 1st published book, "A Portrait of Self Love, Ivy's Story." God Bless you Daughter.

id: 479229 - Text: As a ex addict I can honestly say that I have never used the excuse that because I was neglected by my addict mother or that because I was sexually abused at the age of 4 caused me to become a addict because it didn’t! I chose to pick up the drugs and so did you it’s a choice and the sooner you admit that the sooner you will be able to get clean but so far you’re saying what you need to teach your daughter but it’s just words! Put your big girl panties on, grow up , get sober and take responsibility for your kids! I’m praying for you and I know you can do this ❤

id: 479591 - Text: Making money ..Off my pussy ..that’s horrible dark … bless those trapped in dope, and sex work …bless her ..

id: 480201 - Text: Her change is coming, and it's going to be mind-blowing to her. That will be the ultimate high for her. The high she craves now won't be able to touch the high she will have in a relationship with Jesus Christ - it's closer than she thinks. I understand about her mom, I had one like that too. I lived my environment too, but I'm grateful to God I escaped the demons that thought they would keep me captive. satan is a coward, liar that does this to people's lives to keep them in slavery to immoral sex, drugs, lies, stealing, killing. I was diagnosed with depression. I have a story about that too. Just know that Jesus Christis our hope and our help. This is what a life of living without Jesus Christ is all about. satan comes into folk lives to kill, steal, and destroy. You won't believe what Jesus comes to do until we witness it for ourselves. It sounds like a joke. It seems unreal, unattainable, but all I can say it you have to experience it for yourself. People think that life in a relationship with Jesus Christ is boring, all I have to say is her life is the alternative. I didn't experience real love until I have my life right Jesus. This chick is already some serious she's just on the wrong side of life. The other one is waiting on her to arrive and satan is trying to keep her from realizing it.

id: 480316 - Text: Mark. Take her to St. Barbara Orthodox Monastery in Santa Paula CA. The sisters there will talk with her, comfort her, wipe her tears, feed her, pray for her, shelter her, and give her guidance. I used to be an addict of hard drugs and sex...there is actual hope, not just some fairytale dream of an escape. Actual healing. This beautiful woman is young, it is worth a try. She’s named her two babies Christian biblical names, she’s searching for God. Please just bring her there. It’s not far from LA. Just see if they can help. Orthodox nuns are unbelievably beautiful women, who have so much compassion for people like Ivy. Ivy baby you are loved, you are so sincere, you are so hurt, you are beautiful, I believe in you hunny. Please try it. God bless you Mark and Ivy 📿🕊🙏🏽

id: 480398 - Text: If this is the ivy I think it is in which she looks like the ivy I used to know I went to middle school with this girl and indeed she was a quiet person but she also was very fast I must admit she was having a lot of sexual very young and it doesn’t surprise me she ended up in sex work. ALSO IM 21 and if this is who I think it is she should be 21 or going on 22. Sad to see her in this situation she never really had parental guidance.

id: 480719 - Text: Ivy you are beautiful and loved. You have so much to live for. You are a fighter. Forgive yourself and for those who hurt you. Sex, drugs, money etc cant fill any void. You named your babies Eden and Genesis. I know u know God is real. Jesus died for you. I pray He reveals Himself to you again. Fight beautiful.

id: 480868 - Text: You took the words out of my mouth... A real blessing to just have a sane mind .... I pass no judgment on these females and I just pray god gives them the mind to think differently ... Sex is truly a coping mechanism whether u getting paid for it or not so is alcohol and drugs ...

id: 481019 - Text: No factories, no technical training, no access to finance, capitalism sets you up to be a sex slave.

id: 481051 - Text: I really believe in her 🤍 what a heart she has! What a raw, real, full Hueman. I just wish you so much love Ivy. I wish you so much love. I wish you safety. I want you to be SAFE. Physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, sexually. Safe through & through!!!
