31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 555137 - Text: I think your videos are so interesting. Imho - it’s too bad your $ kindness goes to drugs and prostitution, when there are so many driven people who could use a hand up. I recognize the dead end in situations like this.

id: 555150 - Text: In her first video, she discussed a prostitute she knew who was released from jail and ran over by her pimp. She went on to explain how difficult it can be to get out of the game. Azriah is putting herself in a precarious position, by continually going back to her pimp. This interview felt different than her other 2. I am praying she can shake the “money manager” and keep him FAR away from her baby boys. Rooting for your escape to freedom and to a happy life you deserve , Azriah.

id: 555154 - Text: Does it help her to shame her online? She has issues and is troubled and she might be agreeing to this as she feels she owes you. This feels very uncomfortable tbh. She is stuck in this life and it can be hard to escape that. You need to understand that a new house, a new car etc isnt enough to sort a situation. Therapy and other things are needed. You can't shower money on an issue and expect it to fix that. Also this video could actually put her at risk. Even if you don't put words in her mouth.

id: 555180 - Text: Wow what a shame. Yes it’s hard to get out when that’s all you know BUT it is possible and it can only happen when you’re really ready and want to make a change. If you take your emotions out of this and the fact that you feel sorry for this woman, you’ll see that she has no remorse in this video. She’s not saying anything because there’s nothing to say, except maybe sorry, but she’d have to actually be sorry to say that, she isn’t. She’s doing what was done to her and what she’s done to others her whole life, manipulate and play to get what she wanted, money. It’s a by any means necessary mindset. She never changed her number because changing was never her intention, it was all a game. Get your emotions out of it and you’ll see here, there’s nothing to feel sorry for. Bless you Mark for trying.

id: 555181 - Text: I'm happy to see this fallow up video I actually watched the original video earlier today, again. Such a story. Such a lost opportunity. She is like a moth to a flame, and totally blew her chance. Again. Some people just can't take the shock of quitting cold turkey. Gravitate back to their old ways. I appreciate how you made this video and got her back to make a video, and got her new man on video too.

id: 555209 - Text: I watched the first video then the second one hoping for her full recovery but watching this... Dangggg gurhll... I'm so disappointed even though I'm not the one who helped. But yeahh... This is not really the outcomes that I wanted or we wanted for her but she still young and I'm still kindahh hoping that she can pull her self out.

id: 555276 - Text: I could see in her face before I played the video that it was bad. I really wanted her to get out. Mark you are an exceptional human being for the work you do. I truly hope her life gets better.

id: 555295 - Text: I am glad the Mark was able to draw a line between their relationship. After watching the last two videos, I can hear the hurt in Mark's voice as he is speaking with Asriah. I can understand wanting someone to really change their lifestyle for the better. I commend Mark for trying to help her financially. I just wish that instead of money being given that it would be in the form of items and materials. Like to saying, "If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime". I believe Asriah can leave the life of drugs and prostitution as her desire was in the first video, it seemed. I just encourage her to seek counseling to address her past and develop coping skills for the future to replace the desire of going back.

id: 555301 - Text: I knew this was going to happen, last video she just didn't seem like she would be successful at changing her life and the lives of her children.

id: 555327 - Text: I don't do comments EVER but I have a lot to say. I understand that you can't change the cards that you have been dealt and that's what makes this story sad. But like many others in the comments, I really felt that Asriah was strong enough and changed her mindset for good. I watched this expecting even better change for her, but she stabbed mark in the back and had almost no remorse for it. Ultimately, aside from your childhood, you are where you are at from your choices. Asirah had an easy way out and was lucky compared to other women in her situation and still took advantage. She could have saved or invested that money or got an apartment/house and could have easily gotten a job. Which seems to be better than her current situation and seemed reasonable because she was complaining in the last video about how expenses of upkeep on selling your body is more than what you make out of it. I don't understand this. Asirah complains and makes excuses, has an EASY way out, and then goes back to her old habits. It's hard, but if this was her top priority, she would have made it happen. I am not angry, just kind of disappointed. I really hope she finds help-it seems like something needs to change in her mental health, and I hope she replaces excuses with actions. All in all, I am happy Mark tried to reach out, and I hope Asriah finally realizes later what she needs to do to get out of this situation for her kids. Asriah, I hope the best for you, and even though you let us down, there is still a lot of love for you and what you have achieved and gone through-stay safe and God bless❤️
