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id: 481140 - Text: Oh my goodness Ivy.Lord God cradle her in your arms prese Lord. Please Give her the strength to take anther step because I believe she will rise and overcome this. She will get her children back and get life back. In Your Name Lord Amen. I am 31 years old and my mother was getting high when she went into labor with me. My father sold and used and so did my mother. In our community there is not much light bought to the topics of drug/ alcohol abuse incest physical and sexual abuseand simple pure neglect. We always love our mothers and revere our grandmother's because overall they seem to always try there best. And they do indeed do the best they can and I'm forever live and reject my mother no matter the circumstances she caused in my life. Overall at some point you have to realize addiction is a disease. Growing up with parents in addiction and have battled my own has given me an understanding and grace for those who struggle. Ivy you will see anther day a a better day. I love you and blessings to you and your family. Your children will forever love and need and want you. You are wanted and needed. You embody so many parts of a black woman and the way you are transparent about your journey is inspiring thank you

id: 481492 - Text: As I looked at her beautiful face and listened to her speaking so articulate I nearly cried. She's seemingly trapped within herself. I wish someone would lead her to Jesus Ivy is truly the harvest Jesus Christ spoke which is plentiful but the labors are few. God send help by way of the Gospel. I am Praying for her total recovery Emotionally Mentally Physically Sexually Financially 🙏

id: 481572 - Text: Crying I needed this cry I been through sex trafficking baby I love you đź’śđź’śđź’śđź’ś

id: 481872 - Text: 9:09 exactly! Some want to glorify prostitution and say that sex work is work, with no shame. Absolutely not. Nothing to be proud of...and it's nothing "freeing" about it. It perpetuates trafficking, drug addiction, pedophilia and all kinds of evil.

id: 482311 - Text:  @GENERALKLAPISTAN  traumatic childhood(sexual abuse),mom passed away when I was younger, was in a physically abusive relationship, was in and out of jail …, until I got my life together. Like I said, praise God

id: 482431 - Text: IVY IS SEXY!!!

id: 482627 - Text: Ivy, sweetheart, the depth of your pain is palpable. I’m almost 60 and I still carry shame for the experiences I was a part of as if I wanted to be sexually, physically, emotionally and mentally abused, as if I could have seen the future when I started drinking and doing drugs that led to addiction. I blame myself so much that I cant trust others because they will see my stupid messed up life and think I am everything bad but I’m not what has happened to me. I hide myself but on good days (now that I’m sober), I see addiction is the result of all the pain I’d been masking with drugs. None of that is your fault, now your drug has a strong grip on you but, Ivy, honey, talking to Mark is a huge step in trusting a person to not hurt you when you open up! I’m proud of you for speaking truthfully. Crying does not make you a victim—speaking about it is the path to recognizing you’re a survivor! I will tell you what every single person who I let get to know me says, “Stop being so hard on yourself.” I’m still trying to figure that out but it begins by talking to others who are safe and will not hurt you, people who know the way out is through expressing the depth of your suffering. Lovely Ivy, I believe you are worth it and see a beautiful young woman. If you were my beautiful daughter I would tell you all of that. And, whew, that’s a lot! (BTW to me you are special because you’re the first person I’ve responded to on here). Xoxoxo

id: 482884 - Text: Ivy, you're so young! You have your whole life ahead of you. Sign up for 1 class at a community College, they are only 1 or 2 hours, one or two days or nights a week: just any class that strikes your fancy. That's what I did 40 years ago when I was 17 and on the streets because I turned my dad in for sexual abuse. I couldn't even afford the books for the class, but the teacher agreed to let me stay without books as long as I passed the fist test. Don't let fear stop you, just do it. You'll feel so much better about yourself. You're very intelligent. You don't have to stop the drugs first; lots of ppl do drugs and go to class or work.

id: 483375 - Text: She said sex, exercise and eating are all addictions and it's killing our youth??.. I think she's high

id: 483652 - Text: Never give up, i used to be like this, find God find Jesus he will set you free from the depression, no drugs no free sex nothing, fight hard for all of us have only one life
