31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 555347 - Text:  @allstars4287  she was eerily quiet and she looked angry in the most recent video. I think the fly guy strong armed his way into the house and beat her up, stole her money and then threatened her with continued violence if she did not comply and maybe violence to her kids. I am sure she would not say anything out of fear. Threats of Violence and torture are powerfully manipulative and persuasive. Mark gave her money and this fact became public. Mark even mentioned that he was contacted by many pimps wanting to work with her. Why wouldn’t they? She has a lot of money now that they could steal from her. Not to sound harsh against Mark because he did a hell of a lot more than anyone else has done for her, but I believe she needed more than money and an apartment. She said Mark was her only friend, but she needed a support group of people that have been through what she had been through and recovered. She probably would need someone to talk to that specializes in CBT and EMDR with an emphasis on sexual trauma and drug addiction. My heart goes out to her and I am interested in how this plays out. My only hope is that she doesn’t end up dead.

id: 555387 - Text: The first thing I noticed within a few seconds of this video is the emotion in Mark's voice.

id: 555395 - Text: She seems totally different from the last video… I can’t believe this

id: 555404 - Text:  @hollyhayes9640  you clearly didn't see the whole video where she admits she changed her number,moved away from the area and got a new apartment. She admits she went back to should do your homework before you open your mouth. Jackass🤦‍♂️🙄

id: 555425 - Text: Wow….from the other videos to this one….just a completely different person. She just looks defeated, broken…always rooting for her. I hope she can find a way out

id: 555441 - Text: Me the first 4 minutes of the video -> 🤯 and I can tell how hurt and disappointed you sound after trying everything in your power to help her.

id: 555447 - Text: Im sorry but Mark you seem like you have a serious crush on her. The way you speak to her is embarrassing for viewers and humiliating to her. You made the decision to trust her but throwing money at her wont change her. I have watched your other videos and you sound completely different. This girl got to you but in the same way the Johns got to her. Life is not like “Pretty woman” you cant buy her off the streets, she has to want to get clean and stop prostituting. This girl needs extensive therapy. This video makes me sad for her, you talk incessantly and she cant get a word in edgewise. So why would she even try to defend herself. Hustling is the only life she knows and that is comfortable to her. Maybe you should go back and listen to yourself on this video and stop exploiting her and then crying when she is being real. Real as she knows how to be.

id: 555477 - Text: I saw the thumbnail for this video and knew good news was not going to follow. Hey man, you did a good thing. Unfortunately, it didn't go to the right situation. Still, keep up the great work!

id: 555516 - Text: I just found you, and this series was the first thing I saw. It’s heartbreaking to see the change happen right before my eyes in just those 3 short videos… she went from being open and wanting to talk, to completely quiet and you could see the fear in her eyes. I will never be able to understand the things that she has had to endure and go through. And everyone has their reasoning for the things they do. She said it’s a hard life to get out of, and she just isn’t ready yet. I just pray that she is safe, and her children are safe. Bless you for the work you are doing. I can’t imagine it’s easy listening to peoples stories when they have a dark past. But you are amazing and I will continue to follow.

id: 555533 - Text: The previous video she didn’t look like she was enjoying the responsible life with her and her kids . She was given the help but She has to want it bad enough to do good for her and her children .she’ll figure it out otherwise she won’t be around long enough to watch her kids grow
